3 weeks ago
So it's been a while since I've plurked period, and I'm gonna plurk about this...
latest #8
3 weeks ago
scaredsummoner thornheart relevant to you guys since we're in the same FC. I'm tempted to transfer Masamune to a preferred or new world to get an exp bonus and have motivation to play on him more. But I don't want to do this without saying something first, and I won't do it if you guys really don't want me to
3 weeks ago
I can always visit if we want to play together too
3 weeks ago
tbh I've been mostly playing on Adela these days because she is my main but I do want to try and get some alts moving forward. I'm probably going to buy a story skip for one of the others, and play through the story on the one who doesn't get the skip. The question is if I buy the story skip for Masamune or for the other alt. though I might do both too
3 weeks ago
but that depends on where my money is at the end of the month
3 weeks ago
Don't worry about it. I mean I changed my main from male to female because I need a change. Sound like you need a change too
3 weeks ago
yeah. i really want Masamune to hit 60 so I can stick him in Dancer clothing too :-P I think I'll hold off on the world change for now though and see if my finances are good with the next paycheque or not. Store sale is on until the 5th at least
3 weeks ago
tbh I won't bother with the world change if I buy Masamune a job and story skip. Which I might because as much as I play Adela it'd be nice to play a male character more often
3 weeks ago
I already fanta'd him into a hyur a while ago but I might change him back into a Mi'qote or something else, idk
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