He's having a hard time in there but I'm really enjoying his close CRS. He's very much in love with the idea of hearing all of Rocket's space stories and he genuinely considers Chuuta a close friend. Other people on his floor tend to scare him a bit but he's like 'I like them, I just don't want to end up on their bad side'
He's also actively writing fanfictions of Characters and living in a room alone with a plant.
the TDM with Omori is being a blast, I got to write him interacting a bit with his imaginary friends and it's just an overall delight. I'm really glad I was convinced to stay in DWRP because this place is SO worth it.
He also made a doll for a girl on his floor (Eponine) as a sign of friendship and he's scared of Akechi, so there's that. Also, full judgement on Tony for the fingers.
At least he got chocolate milk in the TDM?
[Crossing] I've been a bit on the slow side since festivities are what they are, but I'm really enjoying Kel's CRS here. I'm literally Grabby hands toward him and Mari especially.
H's the big brother now. KEL IS THE BIG BROTHER
He totally isn't dealing with crippling depression for how his death happened, nope, not at all! He'll be everyone's friend and make sure everyone sees him as happy as humanly possible
His bond with sunny is a bit strained maybe? but he's still doing his best so the other won't notice it- he's from the oyasumi ending so he did see Sunny' Jump' (that's how he also died, trying to stop him) and it's something that's eating him inside.
Sunny still is his bro and he still loves him dearly
No romance happening for either of my characters, which is actually a positive right now. Kel may be more or less openly gay but that's more for fun mental comments while talking with Mari, he's not flirting with anyone. (how could you after death, duh)
Sunny in Lab is just. STRUGGLING. While I do write him with an unconscious small crush on kel, he's a LCW so it's not even an issue. Right now he desperately needs friends and he's lucky enough he got a few
Jesse, Nancy, Eponine, Chuuta, Rocket- he likes them a lot.
Even if only chuuta is 'cool enough' to be in the 'young enough to drink chokko milk' club
OH he thinks Bucky is very interesting, too.

overall I have some muses sitting around, Erich in primis, Morticia Addams and Sonic too, but since I do work a lot I'm not sure i can committ too much
but the characters I have right now make me happy
I play Morticia too! I love her
snickersnack I am just testing her out but it's a DELIGHT to use morticia (from the original black and white show, in my case). I still need to properly find her voice but I love using her on memes so far
reminds me that I really have to get back in magisteria with sunny, I do admit I feel a bit lost there, though
but that's literally on me
I play her from the OG movies

I rp this one because she's the most eccentric one?
I borrow from the show for some lore
I just love all the pets, her sister, and all the small things. But Family Value is how I was introduced to the addams, the movies truly are a joy
Like Morticia being a Frump
and having a sister who grows flowers out of the top of her head
Ophelia was a delight too.
but like, Gomez being engaged to Ophelia I don't use, since the movie says they met at a funeral
I think even the shows contradicts it to some degree.
but they had some small contraditions over the place. I think three different honeymoon places?
I also admit my passion for the show one is because she has so SO many hobbies beside dark ones
painting? check. sparring? check. Trains exploding? She's supportive of her husband. Writing? Check, she would make the grimm brothers proud. Sculpting? CHECK even it.... WELL. I guess she can make a boulder