Four dead mice in two days. If it weren’t Christmas I’d be calling an exterminator already
So Dee cornered a fifth one and I said to Sergio, let’s try to get him to take it outside
Because he refuses to kill it or let Frankie kill it and it’s a big sucker
So Dee loves to do this thing where he picks it up in his mouth, it goes all compliant, he drops it, it runs, he grabs it, it screams, and then repeat
So I’m trying to sweep him towards the kitchen with the broom but every time the mouse drops it keeps going the way back to the basement instead of the open door
And finally Dee missed a catch and it goes between the fridge and the wall and I’m like “well fuck we aren’t getting him now”
Sergio tried moving the fridge but can’t.
Dee sits at it pawing at the mouse but has no chance of reaching it
I say I’ll take the broom handle and try to sweep it out.
I get it in position, jab high so I can maybe startle it out
Instead I hear a squeal and CRUNCH
Now we have a dead mouse pinned between the wall and the fridge
Yikes, you blunt javelin’ed it
Trying not to throw up right now
I hate killing them but it’s like dammit not in the house!
oh dear
the opposite of what you were trying to do!