merry christmas eve everybody
god, this one is so soft, i adore this artist
i have a headache and i'm not sure if it's the med dosage changes or caffeine withdrawal because i haven't had an energy drink in a few days
at any rate despite that i did finish a commission today so. that's something.
i've also touched like... two whole meme tags
applauds both of those things
and rubs your head better
thank u this is the support i need
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
i live with the dream that one day... one day my little canon will be popular enough that i can get the spn-level cast cap in a game and we'll have jack, jerry, amy, rosa, travis, and spencer. and the sheer, unbridled chaos this group of characters would bring to a game...
that would be so brilliant
i really don't think i'm being crazy about this trintellix/vyvanse thing even though i've looked it up, there's no interaction, but after scaling down the trintellix dosage i can actually feel my adhd med hitting more today than it has been in a while
either i'm right and this is a good thing or i'm losing my fucking mind
i feel like you know your body and i hope that you're right (or you're getting a good placebo until you can adjust)
i'm not usually super susceptible to placebo effect but it's still entirely possible, either way i'll take it
I feel like sometimes the ‘interactions’ don’t take into consideration all mechanisms of action. I literally had to search PubMed to figure out there IS a non-vibes reason why I would have seizures (and worse than usual ones) if I missed a certain non-epilepsy medication. If it feels better to you, fuck it.
Also: this ART
Maybe that’s what I’ll do in the next couple days: binge read the rest of the series lol. I would LOVE a cast-cap-approaching unhinged TFTGS crew even if I was just there to witness it 😂
i highkey support this decision
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
a timeline with links exists if you want links to the written versions, alternatively i made
this plurk with links to all the audio versions (which i'll update when mcp does his recording of tales from the road pt 2)
being real meta, just underslept-edly reading genre fic