pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
[metaphor ref] this is some mean dungeon design and i love it
latest #10
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
you're sent on a sidequest to go recover some goods for a shady merchant from an abandoned castle filled with monsters. very standard adventurer stuff
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
and as such, there are very standard adventurer enemies in there- goblins, to be exact
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
most of them are pretty weak and you can take them out on the overworld
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
there are a few goblins with classes
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
that are massively stronger than the rest and can get one over on you
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
the trouble is that they aren't super visually distinct from the other goblins. if you look super closely you can tell, but charging into a group all willy-nilly makes you liable to get your ass kicked
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
this encourages you to make use of the fae sight mechanic, which is a trigger you can pull to highlight enemies and get an estimation of their strength
pixie lovemail
3 weeks ago
so you can actually tell what kind of goblin you're fighting before going in for the kill
I also like that the goblins have a special berserk reaction to casters
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