Cute Quinn
19 hours ago
did you know: no machine is, was, or ever will be actually Turing Complete
latest #21
Cute Quinn
19 hours ago
because the formal definition of a Turing Machine requires a memory tape of infinite length
oh i'm scary
19 hours ago
skill issue. I could make one
19 hours ago
Huh. Functionally, are humans Turing-complete, by that definition?
19 hours ago
I mean, human brains can do calculations, even if we do them way slower than computers.
Cute Quinn
19 hours ago
they are not
Cute Quinn
19 hours ago
we have finite memory
Cute Quinn
19 hours ago
if a calculation requires a billion values to be stored in memory simultaneously, a true turing machine could do it but ahuman could not
18 hours ago
But also our brains do not do calculations int eh sense that Turing machines do
18 hours ago
No, not a human, singular. Humans, collectively.
18 hours ago
All the knowledge we accumulate and pass down, as a species. We don't know if the capacity to do that is infinite, but theoretically it could be, right?
Cute Quinn
18 hours ago
humans, collectively, have finite energy
Cute Quinn
18 hours ago
it's a large amount, and we could make a real long tape
Cute Quinn
18 hours ago
but it would not be infinite
Cute Quinn
18 hours ago
not even close
17 hours ago
Does a Turing complete algorithm need to operate on a Turing machine, or does it need to simulate a Turing machine
17 hours ago
Because I can simulate a Turing machine by just feeding it increasingly long strips of tape
Cute Quinn
17 hours ago
algorithms aren't turing complete, machines are
Cute Quinn
17 hours ago
and you can do that, but you will eventually run out of tape
Cute Quinn
17 hours ago
a machine or system is Turing Complete if and only if it can execute any possible Turing program
Cute Quinn
17 hours ago
and because a hypothetical True Turing Machine would have an infinitely long tape, it can execute programs that a meatspace computer cannot, no matter how sophisticated
Cute Quinn
17 hours ago
for a nice simple example: a program that outputs the first 3↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑3 digits of pi
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