Cute Quinn
1 weeks ago
caves of qud lore is wild
latest #8
Cute Quinn
1 weeks ago
"He murdered their leader by allowing him to continue living in a universe where heat death is inevitable"
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
A lot of that lore text is randomized, but the random generator is deliberately designed to consistently produce weird shit like this, they put a lot of work into it. And there's still some non-random lore that's on that tier of wild.
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
You just don't get a text fragment like "murdered their leader by allowing him to continue living in a universe where heat death is inevitable" without deliberately writing it.
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
(It's not generative AI stuff to be clear.)
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
From the Qud wiki: "The Sultans were six rulers who were in power during, and relevant to, Qud's history. Five of the six are randomly generated at the beginning of the game, each one associated with a specific element. The sixth and final sultan, Resheph, as well as the historic events associated with him, is fixed."
the grink
1 weeks ago
I survived, bitch: derogatory, aggressive, lets others know they have failed in ending your life

I will murder you by allowing you to continue living in a universe where heat death is inevitable: metal as fuck, demonstrates you have control of the situation, has strong "Luigi wins by doing nothing" energy
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Really, Qud is a wild place anyways, all kinds of talking animals and robots and even talking plants and fungi.
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Anything can gain sapience and make it your problem.
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