Watching S4 of Vienna Blood: Mephisto's Waltz. It is SO good E1 was good. E2 was very much not. Starting E3 with little expectation.
latest #15
except the random need to showhorn in romances that have already failed
Clara AND Therese are back in romance roles
Clara at least recognises that she and Max are a bad match.
I've put m,y finger on it. There's not enough Max AND Oskar together screen time
Their interactions are the delight of the show and so far it's been very thin on the ground
The first episode was good but the second... it's lacklsuter
Ep2 was just... not well written OR directed
I'm going to finish it since I'm halfway through, but I won't be watching it again and I am heartbroken that they fucked it up so bad
Everything is being very carefully explained and explicitly pointed out step by step.
Depressingly predictable twist just now, wtf happened to the writing in this?!
One more episode to plod through
then I will rewatch the good seasons
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