Autobot Abubot
1 weeks ago
spent the last several hours sorting through a few boxes of comics for the now traditional holiday gifts.
Autobot Abubot
1 weeks ago
Talk about last minute. Meeting the gang later tonight. Not as many as the past few years. Wasn't able to really dig into the piles this year.
Autobot Abubot
1 weeks ago
Also, flipping through some of these books, comics are a LOT more violent then they were back in my day. Might have to warn the parents to vet some of these first...
Autobot Abubot
1 weeks ago
The good thing this time around is I realized that I've cut down on buying too many books that aren't on my primary lists (Transformers, GI Joe, and X-Men mostly). Still a ton of backlog, but at least I'm buying fewer issues for their covers or some stupid shit like that.