I spent my whole day getting literally dragged out of one appointment to do something at another appointment only to be immediately snagged upon completion of that appointment the second I stepped out the door for another appointment.
At one point I stepped out to my office manager telling me that she had to yell at everyone cause I was assisting one doctor and the other doctor was looking for me as well as one of the assistants and everyone kept going ‘WHERES SYLVIA!?!’
I have three holiday parties this weekend so I am hoping that I will regain some of my spirit back cause I am pretty broken this week after work. Especially given last weeks craziness.
Here is a picture of my newest addition as ‘I’m sorry for bitching about life’ tax, she be looking extra sad because I was texting and not feeding her this am.
halcyoning: I love her so much. I’m so glad she seems to be settling in after getting their assholery out of the way. The other night they were even all in the barn together which is good cause it was a first for them!