for me, part of the DQ Feel
is how the scale of numbers in the games remains consistent from DQ1 to DQ11
you always start with around 30 HP and end with around 300 HP
and a voice in my head keeps saying
hack valor to have a similar HP range for versimilitude
but the problems are manyfold
one is that this is a lot of work
everything that affects damage or HP or maybe even ST needs to be reworked
another is that this would make the numbers all jank
like if I reduced max HP by 60%, then suddenly different levels of Physical Attacker give different amounts of attack
but the prime problem is that just
HP doesn't grow in Valor the same way it grows in dragon quest
a typical level 1 valor character has around 140 HP
a typical level 20 valor character has around 560 HP
that's an increase of x4, whereas dragon quest will see an increase of x10
so no matter how I rescale the numbers, it'll feel off either at low levels or at high levels
ultimately I'm just gonna deal with the HP scaling being different
if I scaled stats down to 25%, then you'd start with ~28 HP and end with ~140 HP... honestly that's not that far off-- dammit I'm doing it again!
I want the numbers to feel right!!!
if I do that then Physical Attacker adds 1.5 Attack + 0.75 per level!
at the risk of potentially saying something extremely stupid
what if, instead of actually scaling the stats, you kept all the backend math the same, but had a 'divide numbers by 4' thing solely for the display options
so like. if something has 100 hp, they have 100 hp but it shows 25
or if something does 20 damage, it does 20, but shows that it did 5
My gut is that it wouldn't work for a dozen reasons but I guess it's possible that it could
just let an attack sometimes do 15 damage and sometimes do 16 damage when the stats haven't changed...
also I don't think anyone but me cares about getting this right
you can just declare the rounding is always consistent, can't you? like damage always rounds down
i guess dice rolls are d6 so it's possible there'd still be variance
not if it's just a display mod
if I have 31 true HP and i take 3 damage, then my displayed HP goes from 8 to 7. If I have 32 true HP and I take 3 damage, then my displayed hp goes from 8 to 8.
if I'm actually modding all the numbers down, then always rounding down means some levels of skills like iron defense have literally no benefit
hm true. you'd want it rounding down for damage and up for basically everything else i think
then physical attacker sometimes has zero benefit
and iron defense still has no benefit every other level, but it's the other levles
is physical attacker a passive or an attack ability?
it's +6 damage with physical attacks, then +3 when upgraded
i was including passives in the "everything else" - when i say damage i mean literally just the damage rolls
but i guess if it's added on the back-end while doing damage then it still applies so nm
the context you might be missing is that valor doesn't have variable damage
I’m on team “don’t worry about it at all”
if a technique does 47 damage, it does 47 damage
I think team don't worry about it is the winner
yeah that sounds like the best option
But then im only a DQ fan via Adventures of Dai
Which obviously doesn’t have any damage numbers or hp numbers except for like one scene as a gag
the one thing that does have me considering valor alter
that feels very dragon quest
Both Alter and Core have things to recommend them
not committing to either until I at least have a signup sheet
i think 'don't worry about it is the play, yeah
my big concern about alter is that i dont know if it has support for a summoner build but like
i can figure out other character ideas
see that's exactly why I'm not committing yet
I don't know the needs of the party
I'm also on don't worry about it but also basic attack sounds kinda fun
what I think WOULD be fun
would be to set up, via roll20's audio tools
idk, valor's health scaling actually seems similar to DQXI 's health scaling specifically for me
maybe they don't start in the same place but they end up about the same
DQ3 Remake's numbers are actually pretty Valor-similar, I know my Hero was pushing 500 health by the end of it
(I fed her every single seed I got which is probably part of it but the others had decent pools too due to all their reclassing)
I was around 250-350 with my party
but also like, we only very narrowly beat zoma
Yeah I was probably also a bit overleveled hahahaha
I just am always pining for the parts of rpgs where you do 4 damage and go "bruh"
And I went into the Remake end game which includes Xenlong and the extra bonus dungeon I ended up not doing because it sounded lame
I have heard that the postgame content in the remake is bad
part of the problem is two of the paths require specific weapon types to be equipped, otherwise you'll be nerfed badly
two others are just completion checklists
the last is you running around buying things in sets of four
which has no runbacks once you beat it
You're better off playing a new game with a different party composition if you want to keep going with it