Frozen Time
2 weeks ago
[mouthwashing spoilers and the content warning for sexual assault that comes with that] ok no I do have to make my own plurk about this, actually
Frozen Time
2 weeks ago
Duo plurked about seeing someone on Twitter being like, "why would they make the protagonist a rapist" and being mad at the devs for it and I just. there's no fucking way they actually played the game, right?
Frozen Time
2 weeks ago
there's no goddamn way someone whose media literacy is that bad would ever actually make the connection that a rape happened, right?
Frozen Time
2 weeks ago
it has to be that someone told them about it and it's the only thing they know about the game and they're just making their own wild assumptions from there, right?
Frozen Time
2 weeks ago
nothing else makes sense?
duck bastard
2 weeks ago
the disappointing thing is that it could be a coin flip tbh