1 weeks ago
/[Christmas] Been hard to find lately due to Christmas prep stuff.
latest #12
1 weeks ago
-Helping Mum deep-clean the living room before Dad and I bring in the Christmas tree.
-Working crazy time at the store.
1 weeks ago
-Rode with Dad when he brought home ye tree from Christmas and Maple Tree Kevin's tree farm. He even let us have the tree for free after Dad helped him plant a bunch of trees this spring.
1 weeks ago
-Decorating the yard (some strings of lights and our yard Nativity scene)
1 weeks ago
-Went Christmas shopping today w. my dad: helped him get a photocopier for my mum's present, also bought a whole list of stuff for a giving tree tag I picked up at the bank we use.
1 weeks ago
-Decorated a small tree for my room.
1 weeks ago

Good to hear from you again, though!
1 weeks ago
Aww, that sounds wonderful! :-D
1 weeks ago
Yup! Highlight of shopping yesterday: The giving tree list included art and drawing supplies, so I got a sketchpad, some drawing pencils and a couple sets of colored pencils. The cashier looks at it and says "Someone likes to draw and color."
1 weeks ago
I said, "Yeah, it's for a giving tree." Cashier's eyes light up and he says, "Oh, they're gonna have a Merry Christmas with these!"
1 weeks ago
Mwahaha :-D I love stuff like that!
1 weeks ago
I just got 4 items off that replurked Amazon Wishlist for a children's library!
1 weeks ago
I'm looking at that list meself (Need to deposit some money into the checking account first, but will do that after work this afternoon/evening)
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