don't get me started,
Nick! But I'd love to hear tomorrow what they had to say!
LBinVA now's the chance - lay it on me and I'll see if I can get some answers
who is going to be the person with the balls to kill the insurance/HMO inflation and make it affordable
there's no reason why my corp-paid insurance was costing $900/mo for just me
the deductables sucked ($5000 deductable/ no dental/glasses/$50 copay in plan/$200 out of plan) etc
you should get your company to join 
they have corp group plans for free
exercise, food diaries, group statistics/rankingtracking etc
Jadielady - no, and that was a conscious choice
canadians got universal health care before the insurance companies bought all the politicians off
how many USians loose their life savings and go bankrupt after 50 years of working because they have a sudden health problem?
i don't get why that kind of thing doesn't scare americans more
maybe ask them how McCain's insurance proposal to reimburse insurance expenses up to $5000/year will work for people with prior health issue
and who are turned down for any and all insurance at any price?
jadielady - you make a really good point - and doesnt it start before we are even in the workplace? What about school lunches
I think there is a conflict of interest involved with the way employers engage the insurance companies for "assessments" that do not
make it back to your doctor, and serve as a dis-incentive to see the doctor ... meanwhile the company saves money and you pay in health
jenn - any time someone goes bankrupt or loses savings b/c of healthcare, something has failed them
if you think about it, you can go to school through highschool and even college on the gov't in the country, but you cannot get healthcare
theres always the private school option if you want to buy up, but our healthcare system is basically all private school or nothing
in our schools in canada we all had mandatory visits with the health dept for screenings -- scoliosis, hearing, speaking etc
jenn - I think all US schools do those as well, I know mine did.
jadielady - our "3rd party payor" system is a challenge and that would make a great question. How do we give people some choice without
limiting their care b/c of what some insurance companies table says they pay for
believes the only solution will involve taking the insurance biz away from insurance companies
if you think of health insurance premiums as a tax, workers/employers with health insurance are likely paying as much taxes now as europeans
for a lot less service/coverage
I'm gonna borrow some of these thoughts, if you are all ok with it, and turn them into some questions
I really appreciate the passion and thoughts gang - thank you! I will let you know what I hear
sure go ahead
let us know how it goes
detailed report in the AM