"It begins like all stories do. In the seediest bar in town." Ffff I missed Varric
Unsure how my Rook will shift but like... already he's adorable so XD
The sky is raining demons and we're after an ancient elven god. I don't think my Rook actually realized how legit this nonsense was
"Just a big glowing window or mirror or something." "Well that sounds ominous." Varric. My beloved fffff
"He's got a lot of names" "I always called him Chuckles" Varric plz
Right?!? I just. The best.
I have gotten a screen grab of my Inky after designing him. But haven't gotten one of my Rook yet XD
Harrier Trevelyan who hasn't even shown up in game yet XD
I feel like I could not get his nose quite crooked enough but ah well
Also? Knife and orb fighting for my mage? Absolutely the best thing ever. It rogue tactics + magic
My warden and inky were rogues, the warden with a sword and dagger, the inky with two daggers. My Hawke was a mage but he uh... mostly ran to the middle of the enemies, started a firestorm, and then bludgeoned those who stood their ground with his staff.
Having him just sniping people with his staff at a distance when he showed up in inquisition always made me laugh like Varric prolly told him to be a good influence on the puppy that was my inky or smth
Is there a time crunch to pursue an artifact and stop demons? Yes
Is my Rook pausing to pet every animal he sees? Also yes
Anyway my Rook. Was his appearance strongly based on Æn'kae I uh... -cough-
I can already safely say the actual char is different, and I may diverge their appearances more than the difference between the char creator and actual game environment already did. But uh. The char still isn't fully solid in my head so I also may end up replaying to get my canon choices for early in the game.
It's funny how I think Devyn was the only DA char of mine who was just solid from the beginning of my first play thru with no changes. XD My first DA2 play thru I knew NOTHING and that Hawke isn't my canon one at all. Harrier uhhh, I tried playing on my old computer and made it 15 hours in before the game file corrupted and I had to restart... 2 times.
So like by the time I started Inquisition on my Playstation, I had had like 30 hours to get to know Harrier XD
Also my first DA2 play thru I mean it when I say I knew nothing. It was the first DA game I played. And honestly the first game I seriously decided to play vs dabbling, period. The amount of time I spent with the camera pointing up at the sky and raptor screeching as I tried to figure out how to fix it and not die in a fight XD
But anyway -cough- Rook is not coming to me all at once, but he is coming together, so like. -shrug- It just occured to me though that if I restart I'm gonna have to redo Harrier in this char creator and he was a pain to match, my gaunt overgrown puppy but like at 26 instead of 16.
Well, I can already say I messed up XD the screen grabs I was using made his hair look way darker. So, whatevs, I guess I wont mind redoing him whenever Rook is solid enough for me to restart.
"The blight is predictable" Fam... Have you been paying attention??
The Architect and Corypheus were the opposite of that. That moment where I realize warden leadership must haaaate the hero of ferelden XD
"I see so you killed the weird ancient darkspawn that we would have liked to study... you...wait... you drank something that lets you weaponize your blight when fighting???????!!!! When??????"
Anyway so Devyn is not just hunting a cure to the calling. He's avoiding the warden leadership. ... also hopelessly lost but shh that's not the point
shoot shoot gotta go back and do sidequests before getting the next companion because I don't think a bunch will be an option after, RIP, sometimes the game aspect kinda steps on the story aspect >.>
Me casually just trying to get all the companions possible before working on companion/side quests more than my tendency to wander does already. Stumbles into a major story point after companion number 5. Go back to an earlier save so I can do the stuff I won't be able to after making the choice of which city to help out.
Alas tiny griffin, I will be back to you later. For now I have to run around completing side quests and decide which faction/companion to piss off D: I don't wanna
I'm... also not entirely sure which choice is most IC yet. Agshssdhs