1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
latest #94
i'm back in my nocturnal phase nobody @ me
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
weak ass bitch baby plans:
finally read the event and do real plotting
do 2 quick fill commissions
do 3 tags because i'm in a '3 tags is better than 0 tags' place
i can't believe that artist has already made something that good for a story that JUST came out
That picture is so cute.
the trio, sob.
it's a real lowkey event, holiday fun
I've heard!! which is good, that's the level I'm on ahaha
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
I do know about the territory swap for a month and I'm sending Dean to Solvunn to stay at Michael's inn
I don't feel any strong pull to send Jack anywhere so he may stay in Thorne. Maybe 2% interest in sending him to solvunn to visit the cult siblings he was invested in during the pit incident but since I don't want to disappoint the mods by being slow on any npc threads
i'll prolly just stick with him helping Lucifer handle the chaos in Throne as one of the only remaining Thorne OGs lol
oh yah I was thinking jack going to solvunn could be neat, but makes sense
1 weeks ago
he needs you Jack truly he might have both Geralt and Rowena
1 weeks ago
Travis is begging Michael to watch over his goat Travis Jr so the goat will be at the B&B
omfg lmao travis
studly boops
1 weeks ago
does Dean know about the B&B at this point or is he gonna show up and give him a Look, because since when the fuck do you own a business
the latter for sure
he has no idea so he's gonna stumble into it and get jumpscared by quaint airbnb owner michael
studly boops
1 weeks ago
excellent I love this for them
and just immediately ??? wtf
quaint b and b owner. sam just a lil skeptical
studly boops
1 weeks ago
immediately swarmed by feety fish begging for food
studly boops
1 weeks ago
the weirdest place in solvunn
lmfao it's going to be gloriously bizarre and he's going to have just the tiniest little what the fuck outburst about it all
let them nibble all the dead skin off your feet, dean
not for any amount of money
he's not kinkshaming but uh
hard pass
studly boops
1 weeks ago
excuse you, as if anything endorsed by michael would be remotely kinky instead of anti-masturbation corn flakes branded
apparently feet stuff is where he draws his arbitrary line
studly boops
1 weeks ago
honestly fair
studly boops
1 weeks ago
don't give those feet away for free
what's the abraxas version of wikifeet
studly boops
1 weeks ago
probably casting your feet and making wax foot pours that you sell under the cover of darkness
studly boops
1 weeks ago
ask gabriel I'm sure he knows
studly boops
1 weeks ago
six toes, no toes, he's got all your weird food needs covered
studly boops
1 weeks ago
jesus christ
soomeone's gotta start selling those out of Thy Kingdom Come
face in hands
studly boops
1 weeks ago
studly boops
1 weeks ago
quick submit it as a locale. canonize it.
studly boops
1 weeks ago
clearly I have not spent enough time on the locale page, that's amazing
studly boops
1 weeks ago
I hope they have lovingly hand-whittled dildos
https://images.plurk.com/4UZVbdjztJG6v9X0vYt5sz.png i had to look it up just now bc i forgot the name
i love that everyone's in solvunn when rowena's not. just her luck
HOKAY I finally read the event and it is not nearly as overwhelming as my stupid compromised brain had hyped it up to be
it really is lite and cute so that's nice
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
I don't have any immediate thoughts for my fellas outside of dean's territory vacation & jack being conscripted by lucifer so I may just tag out and around on a few light cute holiday nonsense threads after it goes up
i am notoriously bad at fluffy slice of life threads without deeper objectives slipped into them tho so I'll probably carry on backtagging what i've got and not really go too hard on this event
i'm super looking forward to the early feb event tho
i'm gonna do these commissions and then bang out some stupidly nocturnal tags
can rowena conscript dean into accompanying her as she explores and forages, talks to him about plants but really she's making sure he's okay
this is a reason he'll be totally willing to be conscripted for
commissions done.... progress is being made... slowly
so my computer chair is absolutely garbage and has definitely been contributing to my shoulder pain, and i need a new one, but in the meantime i did an absolutely genius maneuver of picking up an extra long hdmi cable and just connecting my pc to my big screen tv
let's go couch tags, coziness improvement of 100% — and also playing stardew on my tv has been delightful
why play checkers when u can play chess get on my level everybody else
of all the crossover ship / crack ship / crosscanon pairing things that exist on tumblr and youtube
i still find it wild not one single person has done dean & julia from the magicians
not even one
i fully have found a geralt & dean fanvid, but no supernatural/magicians
i used to pc to tv. sims on the big screen yaaaas
hell yeah same hat
julia god i know this tag took an actual century i just... given the subject matter i wanted to feel like i was giving it a good effort serious tag
which required a good bit more brain energy than my usual nonsense shitposting
as a reward for my effort my next tags are gonna be my low energy texty ones
geralt lol
look at u go
heyyyyy 2 whole things
rowena might comment about those wings too in the nether
lol me and brandon talked about it, about how funny it would be if dean's trying to be secretive about them but rowena just outs him instantly to sam
so yeah follow your heart whatever's natural
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
michael be honest bro
i have technically done three tags. i am not satisfied with this effort but legally i am absolved. however. i will still try to bang out a few more this afternoon after i grab a nap.
one of my clients has mentioned maybe wanting to commission a roleplay session at some point during the day, and i'm streaming pitch perfect at 9 in the groupwatch server, so we'll see how things fall around that
she's gently trying to work out what sam knows without just putting her foot in it bc she's grown bigger than that now
so she'll needle dean about it and then probably at some point accidentally say something
lmfao i love it
he will, he will, it's just
you know. his brother grew up in the same john winchester school of judging things that aren't human and it's
a whole thing
she's gonna auntie rowena him so hard
he may be totally cool with showing everybody else and he's largely fine with himself now but something about showing sam is different
paingravy: it's perfect
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