1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
[mh/mute] just... a bit of a weird day, mentally. forcing myself to be kind to myself itp
latest #19
1 weeks ago
i had intended at floating a few hours at my second job this afternoon, but i just felt... hmm
1 weeks ago
my energy just dropped off really sharply and i thought if i rested a few hours, had some quiet time, i could ralley
1 weeks ago
but i kept extending that rest period like maybe, MAYBE, if i just sit for five more minutes, i'll recoup somehow
1 weeks ago
and was honestly really angry with myself when i couldn't
1 weeks ago
but like logically - i have three scheduled hours tomorrow with job2, and i think that adding on the hours i was going to do today to that will be easier?
1 weeks ago
instead of today, where i'd have to switch from job1 to job2
1 weeks ago
it's still tutoring, but the details are completely different
1 weeks ago
so there's a gear change
1 weeks ago
so i think tonight, chill
1 weeks ago
and get a decent night's sleep
1 weeks ago
and see if i can't pull together a few extra hours tomorrow
1 weeks ago
instead of being mad at myself for "failing" today
1 weeks ago
(failing in quotes because having fatigue due to chronic illness is NOT a failure)
1 weeks ago
the overwhelmed/overstimulated feeling continues today, i fear
1 weeks ago
not only did i not do the extra work i wanted, i also cut an hour off my scheduled time, just in case. i hope to still complete all the hours, but i wanted to have that cushion in case i start crashing towards the end, as seems to be happening a lot recently
1 weeks ago
i think part of it is the holidays, and the stress that comes with that
1 weeks ago
holidays aren't really a happy time for my family after we lost my brother, and i always feel pressured to try to make them so despite knowing that this is an unreachable goal
1 weeks ago
i leave for my parents' on wednesday and don't get a full day off until next sunday, free of work or appointments or obligations
1 weeks ago
but then i'll also be with my family so really i don't get a full day off until... next year. which i think is getting to me
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