Listen I know all about how garbage a measurement BMI is, between the biases of its creator, & the fact it was intended to measure demographic trends across populations, not individuals' health results
I thought that meant I knew how garbage BMI was
but then I was reading my medical chart
and it had a notation next to the number I have never seen before when someone gave me mt BMI
"kilograms per square meter"
I have the following thoughts about this
2) Is that really what the number is measuring?
4) I have the following problems with this:
i do not have an answer to why
5) people have three dimensions
6) People vary in width & depth regardless of weight so this is even more garbage, but wait, that brings me to:
7) square meters? HOW DO THEY GET THE OTHER HALF OF THE SQUARE??? Because
8 )
BMI only measures your height and weight, so howmst the fuck are they arriving at a calculation for even the
area, let alone that
cubic meters feels more like the sensible measure
9) regardless of how, which square meter slice of me is supposed to be 47 kg? the weight my ass is, that number doesn't even make any sense
10 ) so while that was what it was, reading my medical charts & doctors' notes today, when I discovered how easy my health care provider makes doing that, lead to two other discoveries:
I assume you also know that they changed the overweight cutoffs in 1998?
11) my sleep doctor described me in her notes as "pleasant". opening sentence "Matt is a pleasant 38-year old" (this was a couple years back)
12) my psychiatrist said at one point while recording my life factors "Matt remains in a polyamorous relationship, which is "mixed""
many flavors of queerness?
(dude was always very accepting & supportive, this is not a phobic note nor am I mad about it, just sitting here like
.. did I say that? what does that mean?
fuck that gives me an idea for a new display name
Mixed RL/long distance, maybe?
Hmm. My first guess is mixed orientations but I'm seeing the term actually used a while back for "some people in the poly relationship are seeing other partners and others are seeing only one" ie mixed poly/mono but your guess is as good as mine
I am pretty sure everyone I am seeing was seeing at least one other person at that time (because I try really hard not to be with anyone who doesn't have other partners, not because I think mono/poly cannot work, but because I don't have the energy to be there as much as mono partners would reasonably expect)
but mixed nesting/RL/long distance, mixed orientations, or mixed genders all work
I will never know, that psych moved outta state (which is a shame, he was great)
spittakes the display name