2 months ago
anxiously awaiting the day when my abandonment issues stop being issues (that day will not come without therapy which i am working on but still)

cyrus has not responded to me in three/sorta-two days and even though they literally made fanart for me, i'm immediately like "well I guess we are not friends any longer, it was nice while it lasted"
latest #8
2 months ago
again stressing that this person spent two and a half hours bringing something i wrote to life
like logic says "they're in college/spending winter break with their family, they're busy" and abandonment issues reply "They Would Rather Not Speak To Me Anymore"
Sigyn Silica
2 months ago
I'm sorry your brain is being mean to you 😔
do you want to hear what my therapist told me when I too could not see my friends not interacting with me without thinking they were trying to distance themselves?
2 months ago
thank you 😔
:0 yes please i like wise therapist words
Sigyn Silica
2 months ago
oh uh this was less wise and more a "I'm gonna be brutally honest with you and it's gonna metaphorically smack some sense into you"
she told me "why do you think this has to be about you?"
Sigyn Silica
2 months ago
Which was an appeal to the part of me that had been raised never to make anything about me
and yet despite this I've been learning I'm a very egocentric person and a huge way that manifests is assuming other people's actions are secretly about me
and they're not
Sigyn Silica
2 months ago
for ppl like us who have been deprived of attention, we tend to project it where it is not there
I can't tell you with confidence that Cyrus is not intentionally ghosting you, I've never met this person
but I can say that assuming Cyrus is intentionally ghosting you is assuming the worst of your friend
2 months ago
O h that does make sense
yeah, again, my logic knows that Cyrus probably isn't avoiding me, but the issues are like "Hey"
2 months ago
also the beginning of your second reply hurt me but in a very i-feel-understood sorta way
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