Frozen Time
3 weeks ago
grumble grumble just realized I can't replace my CPU at the same time that I replace my GPU because I need to update my BIOS before replacing the CPU
Frozen Time
3 weeks ago
I've had this replacement CPU sitting around in a box for like a year because it felt silly to disconnect everything and open the case for just one part when it wouldn't even make a huge difference on its own, and now that I've got two replacement parts it turns out I'm still going to have to replace them sequentially
Frozen Time
3 weeks ago
the inefficiency of it all!!!
Frozen Time
3 weeks ago
I'm going to be so tempted to just stop once I've got the GPU replaced and it boots properly again, I know it, but I gotta replace the CPU right then or else I know I'm not gonna do it!
Frozen Time
3 weeks ago
ok I know what I said but also replacing the GPU was stressful enough that my hands are unsteady so I think maybe it is best not to fuck with the CPU tonight