in case anyone was wondering if they vet the stuff they show, the answer is a resounding nope
Catly on Steamanyway if you have steam you can and should flag it for having undisclosed AI assets!
A Cat Open World, with Beautiful Cats. Hyperrealism, Actions, Cuddle, Speed, Islands, Fashion, Dreams, Snow, Robots, Plants -- all with and via Cats.
good god even the steam blurb reads like an AI prompt
oh so the thing ppl said happen and they're already making purely AI games, GOOD TO FUCKING KNOW
gawd it looks so uncanny but I'm even more mad that apparently AI has gotten good enough to keep the model designs mostly consistent
I think this is more a scam overall to move likely a new shitcoin than an actual game lmao
(tho i noticed their paws look hella wonky at some point lol)
oh this is def some kinda get rich quick garbage. they already have pre order merch up for their hypothetical game lol
The guys behind it are apparently three finance bros.
Yeah I googled it and the first result is for some bitcoin thing
Amazing how geoff keighley loves to talk a big game about how he supports the industry and the workers in it and then this happens!
(I know he probably doesn't make decisions about ad space but he IS the face of the game awards)
I missed it last night, but geez louise, I hope it gets laughed at and ridiculed into oblivion.
I was excited for that one and then someone said it "had AI vibes"... unfortunate to wake up and find they were right
Ah. found the scam. According to a press release, "each cat is unique."

why this
I was kinda hoping it was some sort of fake game (FUCKING APPLE WATCH WITH THE REST?) leading into another trailer next year (like Death Stranding 2 or something lol)
I didn't actually watch the show so I missed this but yeah it fucking LOOKS like AI
these cats are terrifying???
How does it look like AI? Maybe I was just distracted by how they were showing a bunch of real cat breeds instead of generic cats and impressed by that, but I don't get how people were getting AI vibes before the news came out that it was AI...
if you look further down someone pointed out the mistakes in the cat eyes and nose and how the flowers merge with the paw
also the quality of the picture is kind of that...hyper realistic shiny patine that kind of defines AI generated images
(at least ones that are just fed through with zero thought)
I don't think everything in the trailer is AI, or at the very least it's AI but heavily edited to make it look less like melty sludge, but the first weird curly haired cat that appears has some weird morphing when it moves, plus the animation in general is so weird and floaty
If you go to the game's website everything else is so obviously AI though, like wtf is this crap
I THOUGHT that shit looked like AI
I think the video itself might have not been made by AI. It's not janky enough. But the rest is 100% made by AI
yeah that did look scuffed
Yeah that's the thing, I was watching it with my roomies and we ALL were like "This [the video itself] clearly isn't AI but it like.... REALLY looks like AI"
Yeah, the cats were all identifiable breeds, so someone cared about something in this process. But that cap from the game's website like... ew, yeah, obvious AI.