I love that there's official art for all things. Lol.
Anyway, he wants to hug all the animals because that's much less awkward than holding hands with people!
But later, when it's apparent that people are freezing, he might just go around hugging them. Cause. A monk is supposed to wait to save people.
ancillaries: He's so ready to play in the snow! He's very familiar with snow. Spent two years of his pre-monk days in the far far north hays constantly cold and full of snow.
Fuzzytale: Okay, maybe hugging is a bit of a stretch. Touching. Putting his hand on their shoulders. Perfectly acceptable touch.
Oh that's good that he's already comfortable with it. Walter will still show him American stuff like snowman, snow angel, etc
Excited to see if the equivalent are similar or different
ancillaries: it's gonna get a bit nostalgic. Show him all the fun of building things in the snow. And be prepared for snowballs.
ohhh my god, that's so cute <3333
Will is gonna be wolfing a lot more, mostly because he's looking to take care of Wu Xin, but also because he's sure some people enjoy petting fluffy animals rather than touching other people (he's been there).
And Will is going to be very fluffy in wolf form, with his winter coat.

Avalon might snuggle with that floof, while "wearing" their own floof
yes! :3 That is highly encouraged.
siderealtime: Yes! So Xin will realize that Wolf is a Bargizen, but that should be okay. He might still tell him about his homeland... You know, the place that he's avoiding going back home to. That's a place of winter and snow.
Sephchama: As a werewolf, no, but through general shapeshifting, yep, they also floof!
Avalon is a shapeshifter! Anything they want to be
Wolf Malcolm will be with Wolf Will a lot >.> He's happy to provide lower pressure warmth but he's not ready to be apart from Will a lot.
Chaos_drifter: will he have been running around as an animal at some point before that Wu Xin can handwave waving at? Or can make a first time meeting!
magicom: we are handwaving that he's previously been around at night as a wolf that Wu Xin can pet him? Or assume not? Will's been doing a number of nightly show up for Wu Xin, I think.
siderealtime ?
Fuzzytale: so like Fives, or is Fives restricted to those few?
Sephchama: Avalon doesn't use animal forms very often, so it would probably be Wu Xin's first time seeing them in a form like that. It'd be a fun first meeting, though!
Yes Malcolm Wolf has been with Will Wolf up on deck getting pets from Wu Xin probably many times before.
Fives can, ironically, do 5 things, but the polar bear, tooka cat, and weasel are the only cute and cuddly ones XD
the murder rhino was one, and the last is a giant alien bat--great for night recon and also freaking out sentries >.>
magicom: was he there for the support Wolf!Will offered post Narrenschiff where Wu Xin was kinda spilling his heart to the wolves while acting all normal around people?
Fuzzytale: lol, polar bear is considered cute and cuddly. XD
it is! Look at all that fur!
he loves to be a bear and have kids scrambling all over him
I BET HE WAS. At least some of them.
Fuzzytale: lol, Wu Xin would love to sit on a live bear rug. XD he probably had some real ones back before pre-monk days.
magicom: well then! Then handwave that he would know at least in part that Wu Xin was all self doubting, and kinda thinking he had killed people in the defense when apparently the gun deck blew up. And thinking he's really a little evil monk that people calls him.
magicom: yes, he is more open for talking e when no
people are around
he will get wolf snoot snuggles
LOL, don't tell him about that!
poor bears
Fuzzytale: sorry, no synthetic fur in ancient China. And he supposedly lived in Arctic conditions.
magicom: such warm and soft and cuddly