Tonight I and some of my We Will Rock You cast-mates gathered together to watch a recording of our show. It was the first time I had been in contact with a person who was not a medical professional or a LYFT driver since my whole medical kerfuffle began.
Badly timed medical issues had caused me to miss out on the Barn Playhouse's anniversary banquet and more recently a production of Jesus Christ Superstar by my "home" theater company in Birdsboro. Gaming sessions on Discord alone just weren't cutting it anymore.
So tonight there were a little more than a dozen of us there. We watched, we sang, we laughed, we cried. I only cringed once or twice when I recognized myself "dancing" under the black lights.
It was good to see friends again, and more importantly it was good to be among them. We humans are social animals. We need contact and we need stimulation-slash-diversion-slash-entertainment. I got all of that tonight. As King Arthur said, "I never knew how empty was my soul, until it was filled."