December 10th
2 weeks ago
So i guess Okamiden is forgotten, if there's a different Okami sequel.
latest #10
December 10th
2 weeks ago
Me, sole person who remembers Okamiden on the DS.
December 10th
2 weeks ago
I mean. I only played it and not the original okami (mostly because at the time, okami was only out on systems I didn't own) so I may have a bias.
2 weeks ago
Okamiden was just....OK though. IDK I am really not a fan of 'Main protags kids from previous thing now doing the thing'
The Sun Rises
2 weeks ago
Okamiden is cute! But coming off of Okami hurt it I think. Tough act to follow up on. BUT if you haven’t played the original yet you should!!!
The Sun Rises
2 weeks ago
also there are some continuity issues between Okamiden and the original
December 10th
2 weeks ago
oh yeah I'm aware of that, the continuity stuff.
The partner system in okamiden was. Stupid.
Like it was tolerable in okami because it wasn't the whole damn game but I preferred the weapons over partners
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