Vincent would have mentioned establishing the bots for cleaning up Infirmary. Well one in specific with the other as a backup for extra messy times though it won't be always present.
'Cookie' is the name of the one that is there frequently. Yes it knows its' name. Yes this is Root's doing
Ihdreniel I don't remember what her plurk was but can you please tell her they live on!
The other bot doesn't have a nickname. But it is told apart very easily.
Not Cookie!
Will it get a nickname? Who knows. Maybe if someone were to suggest something. And maybe if Vincent's around to hear it and like it. Maybe somehow SOMEWAY it will be taught its nickname.
Just like somehow the googly eyes appeared on bots
Vincent would not let the bots into areas to clean just willy nilly. He'll have reached out to
draconic siderealtime magicom cacopheny and the main infirmary wardens (Shaw by this time)
omnomivore for any restrictions or suggestions. And answered any questions regarding his reasoning.
(Counseling offices count because they're right next door and also he did totally did borrow their offices for the Narrenschiff battle so thanks!) And he would not want to distress the animals in the kennels so whatever seems reasonable.
He will probably reach out to Tendi about establishing routine maintenance and checks to keep an eye out for any tampering/security issues on them since they'll be doing a critical thing. But I'll talk more about that in the OOC post I'm (finally!) getting around to make about stuff Vinny has been doing in Infirmary/wants to suggest.
Feel free to ask questions here OOC or IC related tho!
Yeah, Tendi would be down for doing regular droid/bot check-ups
I am reminded poor mse droid post soon.
Malcolm would be happy for their super advanced roombas to clean in counselling
They will happily do a good job!
Florian would be fine with it!
They are. Especially so you can clearly recognize them.
Googly eye robots will just brighten everyone's day.
angeal's one addition to all this bot mayhem.
B would prefer the chorebot not come into the kennels. he does not trust the dogs and cats and occasional goat not to try to chase them and/or chew on them
he appreciates the effort thuogh
Fives will proooobably be asking about their sentience level when he actually has reason to notice them and time and brain to process it, since so many of the droids in the GFFA are, in fact, sentient by any real measure, and the ones that are are free citizens in the Clone Alliance
cacopheny Not a problem and it's reasonable. But there will be offers for things like 'here to pick up your trash to cart it off to wherever trash gets taken' or anything that'd ease things. Or if B wants to come around for a day of a deep clean with bot-backup (you konw when the animals are Elsewhere), you're welcome to hand wave that sort of situation.
... now imagining the fun of telling Anakin that, no, he doesn't own C3PO or R2D2, they own themselves.... >.>
B's cool with that
Fuzzytale: I will need to check with mods on that question for the chorebots! But keep an eye out for the MSE droid thread I'm gonna post... Soon<tm>
cacopheny ...hahah though I'm suddenly imagining one of the googly eyes getting knocked off by goat (rescued before eaten ofc) and then instead of a new googly eye it shows up with an eyepatch
(I'd assume they're very much Not, buuut he'll def check, as one former slave to a potential current one)
that's adorable XD and totally doable if the bot wanders in one day and the kid is loose
cacopheny I will get back to you if/when it gets worked in. Can't put it into play too early!
Maybe once Bot2 gets named and one day on a deep cleaning day... gasp!
I'm just picturing a kid punting a bot to the ground because baby goat gotta goat
suddenly out of nowhere BABYGOATJUMP
The puppies were definitely used to harass test the chorebots on the Enposib, so bad habits already formed there.
This seemed relevant.
her plurk is
punnyinpink but i will pass it on via discord if she can't see this!
She should be able to. I don't private to friends or anything. I think my plurk's open.
Vincent still has no idea what it referenced but it sort of stuck in his head.
She just decided it was a cute name lol
Not at all because it did sort of look like cookie monster because of the dark led screen at the time. c.c
Fuzzytale: oh Jay mods got back. definitely not sentient level on the chorebot
Yeah Tendi asked if the mouse droid was sentient and it's a no for that too lol
omnomivore: yeah i saw that when i was passing through requests
She has A Concern about the battle droids Thrawn wants to build though
He told her they just reset them regularly so they don't start forming personalities and opinions and she's just like. ...buddy that doesn't sound like they're NOT sentient why do you have a slave class of robots
(oh, Fives would be VERY unhappy about those)
She needs to ask Fives about droids but Stuff keeps happening lol
the battle droids in TCW were clearly portrayed as sentient >.<
Vincent is currently in a very wardenly.modw of okay we need to get thrawn reined in
Helping with battle droids and weaponry are two projects Tendi refuses to let him use Cybernetics resources to work on, at least?
Fives would have to Have Words with Thrawn over battle droids, b/c that is not kosher (the clone alliance has freed all sentient droids w/in their borders and is pressuring others to do the same)
which should probably be one of the first on the list when i get my internet bac
good, Fives would approve
He is broaching things with Florian first but yeah he sort of fact checked with the Admiral and uuuuh what Thrawn is saying isn't lining up so. XD
He will probably end up doing a general warden filter too. stop this 'telling one group one thing and qnother group another'
but this is probably a convo for its own plurk
... internet why you come back up just as I am too tired to get back up
Tendi did go to Florian about the droid issue when it first came up, so she's a little more relaxed knowing his warden knows they're sentient and is against allowing Thrawn access to them via request, and will hopefully be keeping an eye on potential homemade versions too.