"that character's not a bad person, you're just not kinky enough" is in fact a bad take. Sorry
latest #14 oh, i....hm....
I'm about to punch some Palia players, Nicky
i gotta say, that is NOT the source I would have guessed for this particular take, what the
Sometimes a rude, smug, manipulative asshole with no respect for boundaries is, in fact,
but if you say that without disclaimers you're just a misogynist who "takes things too seriously" and "obviously aren't a sub"
Okay that was def not part of the Palia scene when I was playing o_0
On a related topic, are they still adding content? I kinda stopped playing after the great cake nerf during beta.
Tamala stans need to STFU
and yes, they are. Although you wouldn't think it to hear the constant whining about paid outfits.
Tamala is straight up a toxic relationship. I kept going with her hoping there would be some type of character growth. Nope! She's just manipulative. So I dropped her for Tish who is a ray of sunshine.
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