Yeah, there are a LOT of reasons why someone would have to be taking medication all their lives.
Plenty of them are physical health, even.
honestly mental health IS physical health! my brain is a part of my body. my brain is very bad at serotonin. thus, medications must help me process and produce more serotonin!
"it's all in your head" yes, the head contains some pretty important organs
'yes, my head which makes all the juice which decides how and if I function'
some of it is also made in your gut!
but yeah it's like saying 'paraplegia is all in your spine' CORRECT??
I've been on the same thyroid stuff since I was 12, so. Yes??
and the same antidepressant since I was 22
I'm on 2 antidepressants for my brain and 2 anticonvulsants for my nerve pain and 1 asthma medication for my lungs and 1 acid reflux med for my esophagus!
these are all necessary to keep me a functional human and taking them is not some sort of moral failing
that video is perfect and amazing and i love it
today's were so good I had to share with my timeline