Alastor - 4, 8, 17
Alright I’ve had lunch time for answers.
How easy is it to earn their trust? Hahahahaha what is trust????
No but it’s possible it just isn’t easy at all. He’s been entirely self reliant for a big part of his life and afterlife, has barely had friends (and even then a lot of them come with strings attached where all sides basically just use each other). So uh.
He basically expects everyone to stab him in the back at some point.
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child? I headcanon that his father was very controlling and stuck to strict gender stereotypes, so he was discouraged from taking up anything that seemed too feminine/told to toughen up/made to participate in things like hunting to ‘build character’.
But his mother definitely encouraged him to do whatever he wanted to when it was safe to do so. I think he inherited a lot of his sass and girlypop attitude from her.
17. Are they easily embarrassed? What embarrasses them? He gets very embarrassed over overtly sexual situations (especially in public) and even in private he has a difficult time admitting to what he actually wants. It’s easier when he’s in control but when the focus gets turned around on him it’s a different story.
He’s still trying to maintain this facade that he doesn’t really have sexual needs at all, even in Duplicity. Which has... had many ups and downs lmao.
A. Why are you excited about this character? He’s a lot of fun to play! I like extremely eccentric personalities and tend to lean towards villains or antiheros at the very least because I like interesting CR and those characters are less likely to just get along and go with the flow of things.
I also like characters with very unique voices so that was an instant draw for me lol.
thank you

neat insights
Alastor: 7 & 37 and for you: B & J
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? Hmmmmmmm I mean he tries to surround himself in nostalgia in a lot of ways. Like the way he dresses, jazz music, drinking mostly rye whiskey, etc. I do feel like he hates how fast the times change and wants to cling onto things he enjoyed when he was alive?
37. What memory do they revisit the most often? Probably memories of his mother, though there are probably a few times with Vox sprinkled in there from their first friendship. Probably some night that they got drunk together and just talked late into the night/early morning.
B. What inspired you to play them? He has some characteristics of characters I’ve played before (I guess I’m predictable that way) but I also really like his design and mannerisms. Plus his voice is very cool and quickly became a brainworm lol. That’s generally how I know a character will stick with me.
I’ve also never played a character on the asexuality spectrum and wanted to give it a shot because it’s very different from what I’ve done before.
J. Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character? Mostly just some supplemental details that aren’t necessarily canon? Like the comment about him never bathing because a) not happening in a sex game and b) it also doesn’t really fit with him in my mind because he’s pretty fastidious over his appearance so
just why that. But other than those tiny things you wouldn’t even know unless you skimmed the old livestreams, I try to keep him as close to canon as I can.
And it’s debatable if they’re actually canon or just old ideas that were discarded.
Thank you. I love your insight into him