-TCGP: https://images.plurk.com/74fQcXpNkc7kjiwVFtYBYJ.png ACTUALLY CHOSE THE RIGHT WONDER PICK YEEHAW.
latest #14
4 weeks ago
Ngl I might make a ghost/gengar deck, he is such a little bastard to deal with.
4 weeks ago
yeah I run him as a back up in my Mewtwo deck, he's saved my ass when Mewtwo just doesn't want to come out
cosmonautdelta: YEAH HES SUCH A LITTLE SHIT i love Gengar
man that's such a good card though, mechanically speaking lmao
trevenant: I LOVE HIM!!!!! I hope someone will trade with me on my Shield Wonderlocke so I can get a Gengar....
I have a Haunter currently...
I hope you can get one!
Thank you!! I will ask any frembs to do a quick trade if possible.
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