3 weeks ago
so I need to share this with people who aren't Casey, with their complete lack of embarrassment and social anxiety:

I work with a bunch of Spanish speaking people, who know about as much English as I know Spanish, which is to say, not much. I was thinking this morning about how 'te llamo' what should I call you, and 'te amo' sound really similar, at least
latest #12
3 weeks ago
with my accent
3 weeks ago
at lunch time, my lunch box literally imploded, showering me and a 2 foot diameter with broken glass (no one was hurt)
3 weeks ago
I had to drive out and get food, so I was late back from lunch.
3 weeks ago
I was honestly kinda upset and distracted, so guess what happened when one of the guys asked my what my name was.
3 weeks ago
one guess
3 weeks ago
yep, i accidently confessed my non-existent love for him
3 weeks ago
how did my anxiety allow this to happen? why did I not remember that I could say 'and you?' or 'tu nombre?' until after he started joking with the others about it?
3 weeks ago
oh. holds.
3 weeks ago
I felt like I was in middle school, and I never actually went to middle school
3 weeks ago
yeah. and tonight I was telling Casey, 'well I hope they all forget by tomorrow' and Casey, having no experience of embarrassment or social anxiety was all like "well...." but I cut them off because I don't really need to hear more joking about it
Hamlet 3.3.87
3 weeks ago
I also hope they forget by tomorrow, or at the very least don't say anything about it
Hamlet 3.3.87
3 weeks ago
people joking about a missaid word is the worst :-(
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