Rawne: 11, 15, 19, 42, E, G
Cheradenine: 4, 11, 27, E
11. He'll ask, forcefully. He does not like being confused
15. He often just says things, without really thinking about it. Even when he does think about it, he doesn't often rehearse, he just thinks for a moment before he speaks
19. "romance means wanting sex, the others don't involve sex"
42. "i dunno, i like hot people who can kick my ass"
E. Oh, hell no. We would not get along. I'd try to hug him and he'd stab me.
G. His anger and (in the early books) his lack of leadership skills
4. He befriends people quickly, but it takes a lot, or at least very consistent behavior, for him to truly trust people. And even then, he doesn't talk about his deeper issues with anyone
11. He fakes understanding until he's figured it out. Less vulnerability that way
27. He prefers lies, yes. He's lying to himself and everyone rather than admit a very unpleasant truth, after all.
E. We'd probably get along. He's superficially nice, anyway.
4. It's very hard to earn his trust! Unless you perform some grand gesture, in which case he'll trust you immediately
7. Thinking about home in general makes him nostalgic, which is usually painful, since home's gone. Until he gets his next deal, anyway
17. He is, though he usually fronts enough it doesn't show. Emotions embarrass him, people being positively emotional towards him embarrasses him even more
20. Because he's got a job to do and a deal to get
28. Usually, though his ideals aren't very high. He's not hurting people and he's mostly helping people, so he feels like he's good
/ Joins the “my character would attack me” club
it's probably a fairly large club