3 weeks ago
...i'm just now realizing that even though i looked through, ostensibly, my whole book collection yesterday... there are still some books i know i had that are unaccounted for
latest #18
3 weeks ago
where the fuck else could i have been keeping them
3 weeks ago
there must be another book box i'd forgotten about
3 weeks ago
fucking insane actually, that i've been living here for 6 years and i still have so many of my belongings in boxes, shoved away into a corner
3 weeks ago
at least one of which i apparently never opened that entire time
3 weeks ago
there are at least 4 books i can think of off the top of my head that didn't turn up, and they're all physically pretty large tomes. so if this missing box exists, it can't be, like, SMALL
3 weeks ago
found it! ok. they were hiding beneath all my plush toys/stuffed animals, in the box where i'm keeping those
3 weeks ago
but the box was still labeled "books" so i guess i just wasn't paying attention
3 weeks ago
follows my general pattern of packing heavy stuff in the bottom and filling the empty space with soft/light stuff to cushion it
3 weeks ago
...apparently i kept the original instruction manuals for pokemon red, blue, and yellow?? i wasn't even looking for those, but they're here
3 weeks ago
i remember throwing out all of my old SNES and N64 instruction manuals at some point (a fact i still deeply regret), so it's quite surprising to see any manuals survived that purge at all
3 weeks ago
ok. i pulled out some of my old favorites and some books i never finished reading. and a couple of the old plushes for good measure
3 weeks ago
it just sometimes weighs on me how i moved back home 6 years ago but never really "moved in" by actually unpacking my things. i just left most of my former life in boxes
3 weeks ago
partially because i didn't have a lot of space, partially because "moving in" just made me imagine having to move out again, partially because i didn't feel like i deserved to have things around me that made me happy
3 weeks ago
but i think i've managed to quell that anxiety a bit now by taking at least a few more things out
3 weeks ago
i don't actually... have enough shelf space for all these books. so they might just be sitting on my old desk for a while. but it made me happy to see them again
3 weeks ago
the "old favorites" in question, from yesterday and today: the Scott Pilgrim comics, the His Dark Materials series, The Wicked Years series, an omnibus collection of the first 5 Wizard of Oz novels, and an omnibus collection of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series
3 weeks ago
the ones i never finished: Machine of Death by Ryan North, Let It Snow by various authors including John Green, and War of the Ancients Archive, a... warcraft novel, i guess
3 weeks ago
a bizarre cross-section of the various sedimentary strata left by past versions of me
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