this is so true and correct alkdjsd
' Peter does not notice enough to give a damn, because they are between him and his three protein shakes.'
Peter intimidating Gamora by accident too hahaha
"Yondu: perpetually vaguely confused at the level of time his large trash son spends primping carefully in front of the mirror."
I lost it at large trash son. Peter really is big
I loved your side notes in the description of him on your journal
It's really funny from a ship dynamics perspective too. Peter gets up in the morning and begins his twelve-step skincare routine. Meanwhile Rocket has squinted in the mirror, determined that shaving can be a future-him problem, and wandered off vaguely raking a hand through his hair to perform the sniff test on yesterday's shirt
ashaksd ahaha's true too XD
have you seen this man's thighs, jesus. Peter doesn't skip leg day. He stayed fit running from his problems. And Yondu.
ppff. that's exactly how it goes. Good thing Peter likes you scruffy. What a disaster man you are
one day Peter will chase him with a comb
One day he's going to have to actually clean up nice for some reason, and Peter's going to lose his entire mind
Rocket shows up after a spa day wearing a suit and Peter immediately aims his blaster to the guy's face because he obviously has been replaced
he will appreciate the look very much once he's sure this is Rocket and he's still sane
Rocket: "Fuck this, I can't believe I have to wear this fucking thing, what the fuck is that weird-ass flowery smell—"
Peter: "...oh okay good, it is you."
Peter: ...pheeeew, I was worried for a second
Also Peter:

Peter after that, having to discourage strangers trying to rizz up Rocket
Rocket's going to be so annoyed about all of this
He has to dress up like a real person AND randos are perceiving him? 0/10
yeah but on the plus side, Peter might drag him into a dark room to have his way with him. Isn't that a plus????
Rocket, making a list:
Cons: I look like a MUPPET
Pros: blowjobs from my not boyfriend...
Hmmmm he does like Peter having his way with him
But also Peter's real easy so he doesn't really have to dress like anything in particular to make that happen
It's true but like, shut up jackass
Rocket's totally right too
One day I need Rocket to get jealous of someone trying to flirt with Peter
But knowing him he would just be extra sarcastic to Peter too
Rocket, talking to the person trying to flirt: why would you be interested in any of this??? /vague gesture towards Peter
"Like I know I got no taste but what's your excuse?"
it would depend on the circumstances I guess, but I don't think he'd be naturally inclined towards jealousy really?
Like he knows what he means to Peter, and he knows no random person's coming anywhere close to that
Due to who he fundamentally is as a person, there's no way his take on the whole concept isn't going to be deeply fucking weird
uhhhh I know we already have many threads going, but I may have been inspired to dust off my sock account
here for reasons of definitely not thirstposting
Peter, next to them all: could you stop being a bitch? it's for free
no yeah, that makes sense. Plus he's seen people flirt with Peter before, like in vol2 with Ayesha . It just kinda happens sometimes
Rocket and Peter, allowing it to happen when the person is an asshole because it's an elaborate scam in which Peter distract them for a bit and Rocket robs them blind
I need to do a family thing now that I got home but I'll hit you up
First of all, he will not stop being a bitch and you can't make him
Peter: I don't know what I expected
This contrary little dickhead is your problem now
What can he say, Pter always had spectacular taste in partners
if they don't try to kill him, kidnapp him or sass him, he's not interested.
thesummoningdark: I'm really sorry abotu the slow tags these days, I've been busy or out of the house for the past 3 days orz
but I m trying to catch up with my almost 30 tags, promise
Don't even worry about it, I'm really busy this weekend too <3
I will be excited to receive tags whenever you have time to get to them
(And I still owe you on the formal wear meme too tbf)
ah thanks bb! yeah the day coming up to Christmas are crazy in general X_X

I'll hit you up asap
(and no rush with that one either)
Yeah, this time of year is always so busy
I owe so many tags but I've barely even had time to look at my inbox in the last few days
frankly I think everyone's in the same boat, but I wanted you to let you know still :C

you are so sweet
This came up on shuffle and it made me think of Peter
and that movie from my childhood haha
I really enjoyed it and I still have the music
I was also slightly obsessed with Titan AE as a kid
the character were so interesting, specially Korso
man I need to rewatch it one day
Rocket ppffff Peter wasn't even thinking about sex, just about the water
get your mind out of the gutter and don't involve his gradpa
You're the one who brought it up Quill
He does not wanna be hearing the word "grandpa" when he's naked and he's got your hands on him
He's trying to be horny here and you're making it weird
He's trying to have a normal conversation, perv
but if horny is what you want, he can slip one of his hands under the water for you
C'mon Quill, surely you're not complaining about the guy you're sleeping with being horny for you
Well, no, but you are hurt and he doesn't want you to tire yourself out too much
Oh, it's on now
I'm working on a drawing but I'll reply back asap <3333

thank yooouuu
if if I already shared this one with you but it makes me thinks of them, somewhat
Peter cna occasionally behave but only when he a- actually like the other person or b- is trying to charm them up to further one of the guardians schemes
Under almost all other circumstances they definitely make each other worse
These dickheads 100% egg each other on
yeah but they know how to team up to be worse dickheads to otehr, more jacakss people, and that's the beauty of it
Peter gets so much shit from the others about his cute little rap sheet
hahah yeah I knew that about the stripes
you can see why he was arrested before when the nova corps scan them
I think one of his crime was eloping /kidnapping an alien princess too
but mostly his crimes are about theft and public ruckus
There's a world where Peter gets shuffled off to some chill minimum security prison separate from the others and the rest of the plot never happens
Man, I can't remember if I said, but I was toying with the idea of an AU where Peter gets arrested and thrown in some small-time prison like ten years before Vol1 - idk maybe Yondu's decided he can cool his heels there for a couple weeks to teach him a lesson - and ends up meeting Rocket there when they're both way younger
And then obviously they end up breaking out together, and he convinces Rocket to come join the Ravagers
Ohhhhh that sounds lovely actually
early 20s Peter would be even more of a menace than he was in the first movie, since he was uuh 30 there I think
almost getting himself killed because of his smart moth at every turn
I want to say he's 33/34 in Vol1? The flashback of Ego and Meredith in Vol2 is captioned as being in 1980, so Peter would have been born in late '80 or '81
Obviously age is a vague thing when it comes to Rocket, but he'd probably be 20ish max at that point, maybe late teens.
Which would be interesting for figuring out characterisation, because with the context of the whole arc now, I think that where he ended up by Vol1 was the product of becoming increasingly hardened having to survive on his own
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that he hadn't actually been running with Groot for very long when we first meet them
If Peter's inclined to be friendly to him, I think he'd be more willing to accept it at face value when he's still pretty young
aye he's 34. His canon birthday in the wikipedia is 1980, I checked
Sorry for being slow, it's a busy day /month at workuuugh
late teen Rocket could be something gods
the comics explain how he met Groot, I think, but since MCU is it's own things, idk if that was like, a tie in related to the movie or simply another of the comics that exist
it's so hard to tel with Marvel. I used to read x-men comic and gave up because it was impossible to keep up
Being seen as friendly and harmless was also a way to survive for Peter, so yeah, even at that age he was already like that
No worries, I hope things chill out for you soon ❤️
Yeah, it can be really hard to directly map comic canon stuff onto the MCU. I'm happy to just steal the bits I like and ignore the ones I don't lmao
My logic is mostly that even at the most hardened we see him, Rocket is still...very vulnerable to being treated kindly, even if he's learned to be mistrustful of it. And Groot is such a relentless sweetheart, I think the fact that he hasn't had more of an effect by Vol1 has to mean they haven't actually been together all that long
But yeah, Peter recruiting a teenage Rocket is basically going to be the equivalent of him showing up back at the ship with a feral alley cat like "he followed me home, can I keep him?"
thanks, crossing my fingers too but there's so much to do still
haha I do the same, cherry picking is the way to go, it's true. Some comics decisions are really dumb, soooo....
That makes total sense. And the original groot truly was the sweetest, I miss him still.
Teen! Rocket and Teen!Peter basically teaming up to survive and then realizing that the other asshole ain't too bad of a friend
I mean at that age, Peter's concept of a friend is someone who doesn't beat him up on the regular like the Ravagers do, so the bar is on the floor for him too
Holding Rocket up by the armpits so he can't scratch him 'he just needs a shower and some rest'
Yondu:, more feral children. Exactly what I needed.
Don't worry about it, Yondu
and then they were bunkmates
oh my god they were bunkmates
tbf I think any version of Rocket fits right in with the Ravagers and has a great time
Yondu has all the worries when it comes to Peter and his shenanigans.
Kraglin: we need to stop picking up strays
oh he probably has a better time than Peter, roflmao
Peter, constantly trying to make plans to get a ship, some decent money, and flee
Rocket: But why, though
They have so many guns and explosives, and all the idiots he can fight
Rocket's been on the ship for about a week when the Ravager's chief engineer shows up at Yondu's cabin just like "I'm keeping him"
"I keep turning around and things I thought were working fine have been upgraded"
This is like, summer camp for Rocket. He's having all the fun.
At least someone does
the Ravager's chief engineer wants to adopt Rocket, Peter's flabbergasted
he's going to make Peter a little jealous
Half the crew have already forgotten that he wasn't always there, and Peter is Definitely Not Sulking
On the upside, now Peter gets to have a best friend who will immediately join in fucking up anyone who's a dick to him no questions asked

why would he sulk? it's great if no one pays him attention. Fantastic ever. he's never been happier.
hahah yes, that is a fantastic plus. Rocket makes living with the other assholes bearable
He's going to be so fiercely loyal to Peter for giving him the first thing like a home he's ever had 😭

oh no that's so cute
Much as he likes being on the Ravagers crew, if Peter wanted to strike out on his own, Rocket would definitely go with him
Rocket: but we're stealing a big ship first

Yondu like "my trash son's boyfriend is a bad influence on him"
he has two trash sons now
Yondu is not sure what happened. At least Trash Son2 is good with tech
god, older Rocket and Peter are already insufferable about who is the better pilot, their 20 something selves would be worse
They'd be so fucking obnoxious
They'll drive everyone around them insane, and the worst part is, they ARE both as good as they think they are
Something definitely happens like the start of Vol2 where they get into a dumb pissing contest about it and crash the Milano on a random planet, and Yondu definitely just fucking leaves them there to make a point
and yes, they are. The best teamwork is when one pilots and the otehr shoots at shit. And they keep switching who does what.
'They figure out how to leave or they die, either way you leave me alone for a few days. BYE'
it's probably even worse when they start fucking, let's be real
God it'll be so much worse. They'll be fucking unbearable
Also they 100% manage to fix the Milano up enough to get her flying again and limp home, and they are the smuggest about it
literally fucking unbearable too
The rest fo the ravagers all

don't tell me they're at it again. We want some sleep
you can't not convince me they won't be noisy as fuck
thanks god the Ravager's main ships it's absurdly huge
like...look at that size, the Elector
ahahah yeah they would to that
Yeah, taking the bunk through the wall from them is like...a forfeit for losing a bet on that ship
Damn that is wild how big the ship is though
There's probably an out of the way bunk they can get shoved in so no-one else has to deal with them
oh god, now it makes me think that there might be a few betting pools involving them rolfmao
right??? in the first movie you see how small is the Milano compared to the Eclector when rocket comes to 'rescue' Peter and Gamora.
it makes sense since the Eclector hold the whole fleet inside but do you even power that thing
that tiny thing on the top left is the Milano
Quite a lot of it's a giant hangar for the M-ships, right?
lmao there are for sure betting pools on them
"When does Quill make a move"
"Will Rocket just shoot them"
Yes, pretty open space inside. Man I do hope they had like, mini vehicles like they use in airports to do form one side to the otehr because walking seems exhausting
'who's the first to get injured next time..'
"Like, on a mission or during sex?"
'Frankly it could be on both scenarios'
"I got 100 on 'fucking during a mission'."
kjdsa I bet that happens more often than they should do it
And then afterwards the "thank fuck we're alive" sex
either they fuck to reassure each other or to celebrate, so
Yondu one day tried to give Peter the bees and the bird talk, in part to horrify him into not getting knocked up. Peter has to tell him that's not how it work for human males
"Don't get pregnant, go see the doc if it starts burning when you piss. Good luck."
lbr if anyone gave him any actual real advice it was definitely Kraglin
I mean..yeah but Kraglin might also just told them to get married
thesummoningdark: btw, I am really sorry about the slow tags, this month is just awful and I am so exhausted
I promise I still want to continue both thread lkfsjsa sorry I just have a hard time writing in a third language when I can't see straight and I was so stupidly busy last weekend too
Don't even worry about it friend, real life has to take precedence <3 I'll be here whenever you're ready to pick them up again
(Also I may have started drawing Ravager Rocket)
Very much still a WIP but I'm happy with how it's coming along!
thank you! I've been stressed as hell at work, and I am actively looking for a new one because my boss's wife is nuts, and I can't take it anymore. But finding time for job searching when I am out of the house from 7 am to 7 pm (I work 40 hours a week) is tricky.
hat already looks so cool!!!
Ooft that is rough, good luck with the job search. I hope you can find something that works for you
Thank you <3 I'm not a professional or anything, it's just a hobby. But lately I'm fairly happy with my progress with it
thank you, I'm crossing my fingers too
Still! it looks very good and I like the pose /undercut hairstyle
do the letters in his arms /tattoos say something...?
Probably, but I haven't decided what 😂 I mimicked the style of the symbols from Kraglin's neck tattoo
lmao you've got a stray "Viktor" in that tag friend
Also at some point Peter's really going to need to use his words about this whole "expectation of monogamy" thing before it blows up in their faces, because that is not a conclusion Rocket's going to arrive at independently
oh shit sorry, i was also writing another tag with my jayce muse with a Viktor and I crossed wires alkhjasd
he just doesn't know how to bring that up because he doesn't want to make Rocket uncomfortable by being demanding
he's just slowly pspspspsps-ing him into a relationship
also he has eyes, he knows that a lot of the people who see Rocket might want to tap that. Who wouldn't? XD
Entirely fair, and yeah at this point Rocket probably would just get stubborn about it
He has not been pspsps'd sufficiently yet
But he's definitely going to need to concept explained either way because his immediate reaction is going to be "but why though"
Rocket after living with Petr, btw
see Peter doesn't want to get his hopes up too much, so he wont' say shit, I'm afraid.
If the relationship stays in limbo, it can't hurt him

tbf Rocket's trust issues might work in Peter's favour here. There aren't all that many people he'd be comfortable letting in that close
So he's not exactly going to be going out looking
That is true. I mean, peter does know that Rocket doesn't really enjoy gettign attention for strangers much but eh, he's an insecure idiot
Rocket is going to be absolutely baffled if they ever actually have this conversation
You're one of the three most important people in the fucking universe to him
How is sleeping with some rando supposed to change that?
lkdsaas Rocket will bring up very good points
But have you considered that Peter has like, zero self worth
and that about the 70% of the people he loves ended dying or killed, so he figures he's bad luck or has too much baggage for anyone to want a steady thing with him
(all the guardians are fucked up... but Peter's brain spiders are not necessary rational)
Peter, one day: like me, like me???????
Rocket: yeah I was surprised too.
It breaks my heart how little he thinks of himself
Rocket's going to start just smacking him upside the head if he talks himself down
yeah the guy has some issues. But it's okay, his a silly guy too! He can joke! he can replace his feelings with humor
I mean, what, who said that...
fghfdesca Rocket knows how to handle him
"What was that for??"
"Talk shit, get hit."
"I'm allowed to talk shit about ME."
"Not no more you ain't."
sadksa somehow this is Rocket being romantic
lbr he'd be even more confused if Rocket was being romantic in any remotely normal way
if that happen, Peter will know a parasite has gotten into his brain or something
'Nebula, we need to perform and exorcism on Rocket'
"Peter what the fuck?"
'He got me flowers, Nebs. Something's not rig'
she wants nothing to do with these disasters.
ahahha oh man, I remember when a softer word was more used as a meme or for texts post. I always enjoyed it, did some myself of my old fandoms
and that's the spirit, Peter


that one huuuurt
Oh my god those are incredible
jasdhas thansk. they were fun to make
God Vol3 was so fucking good
I might rewatch it again and cry some more
I was so stressed out in the theater when I first saw it. I enjoyed it more the second time when I knew one of the Guardians was going to die
HE is an asshole but I love the actor so much, he's always fantastic
*the High Evolutionary, I mean
Yeah, it's definitely an easier watch once you know everyone makes it. Still an absolute sobfest though
I got so badly burned by the MCU before, I was completely unprepared for James Gunn to just waltz in and gift me such a perfect character arc and beautifully heartbreaking canon backstory for one of my muses
oh for real. I have to skip some of baby Rocket scenes because they're too painful to watch
James Gunn dropped a masterpiece as a send off and then bailed on Marvel, incredible
Absolute power move, 10/10
ankle he's the only guy I trust to handle the guardians properly, with the right mix of heart and humor. Other directors make them too silly or too dumb and it makes me angry
I'm torn because on the one hand I want more Guardians content
But also I don't trust anyone else with it
Peter got done so fucking dirty
His end in endgame me so angry, so angry
It was so bad, and the crew dynamic was all wrong
Like excuse me my idiots love each other
exactly! downright insulting it was
this is an old private plurk but I thought that maybe it would be easier to talk about the pac rim au here C:
it sounds horrible but I've been thinking about Gamora's death in this au ppff
And since Rocket already lost Groot to a Kaiju attack, to not repeat backstories I think it could make more sense if Gamroa and Pete were away from each other when she died. Like it happened in canon.
Maybe she was traveling or a Kaiju just happened to attack at random and she couldn't make it to a safe place not the shaterdome in place?
the sad irony of someone fit to fight until the very end not being able to because of the circumstances, just an unfortunate casualty among millions. Man, would that frustrate Peter to no end.
I was thinking that Meredith maybe got sick because of the Kaiju blue when Peter was a kid, since it's so highly toxic, and died because of that. Then a kaiju attack killed Peter's grandparents, and that ties with Yondu finding him, etc...
Oh nooo Gamora 😭I love that though, it fits so well, and it'd make it so much harder for Peter to process that it was something so senseless
God, poor Peter. He's lost so much
it's just so...for nothing and frustrating. Gamora was a fighter all her life, and this is what killed her
Peter would have been so mad for so long
which I think would be interesting for rocket to figure out when they drift
like, Peter jokes about everything and looks pretty carefree, and then during the drifts it's made very clear that there's so much anger under the surface
things to bond over ppfff