It was so good that I almost feel a little bad saying feels like we skipped a step with Makoto and Regina?
Like back when Regina first showed up Makoto was like 'uhhhhhhh what the fuck, I'm not hanging out with her'
and then eventually was like '...fine I'll trust you on this, Mana'
And then. We kind of just left it there until now?
There really should have been one more character beat in there for Makoto devloping real affection for Regina on her own
It could have even happened in this episode!
But that's ultimately a pretty small criticism.
And it's really the fault of the QUality Valley, not something wrong with this episode
Also I can’t fucking BELIEVE that Saban cut this whole episode for Glitter Force
Like what the FUCK are you doing
there are MANY reasons Glitter Force is scorned
WHAT THE FUCK they also cut the Evil Baby episode and one where Alice goes to space!???
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Haim Saban come out, I just want to talk