interesting is an interesting word to use Ravi
oh wait, i did just find it now.
finds it interesting that I probably wouldn't be able to find whatever magic you uploaded.
also, design seems to come in the way of everything - not sure i like the oversized pictures
this is true actually! whatever you upload, chances are people won
't actually be able to find it.
thinks 2010-01-21T16:23:49.000Z
harper will probably still find it
i can't seem to use the site properly either, so far i've tried chrome and opera, and they both have context menus that don't work
the "popular" and "explore" dropdown menus for instance, show up to the right of the menu, and when i try to hover my mouse over...
it disappears. right now these things make me wish it returned to the old form
oh, and evidently i cannot view all my songs. whenever i press "next", it doesn't advance the list.
nope, O mentioned that as well
it's also great that, in order to view the actual comments on a song, i have to start playing the song
this seems like an update that needs a whole lot of work before it should be used
oh, that is total nonsense isn't it
should be used and can be used if ya ask me
good point. i had hoped the new change would enhance what was already there, instead of creating all these new issues + removing old goodies
they have created a completely new site, to me it is unrelated to the old site to be honest.
to me t61 was about finding new music and sharing the excitement about that with others
both of those things seem close to impossible now
*nods* Everythign in the new system looks and feels random, so if you don't know WHERE you're going, what the points of browsing anyway?
and as a radio station it is less than useful because it's not a great radio station
it pours out too much rubbish
since we are all isolated from each other geographically they just made it even more of an isolated world. Seems as the world gets smaller>>
so does actual human contact - I thought that what these sites were supposed to help - community - ah well
Silly Michelle!
says 2010-01-21T16:57:11.000Z
says 2010-01-21T16:57:17.000Z
hello everyone again
says 2010-01-21T16:57:27.000Z
sorry, I couldn't resist... this gotta be a joke