all the same things are still on fucking point, but we have had an Escalation
and it's a real proper tragedy
where any one of the characters involved COULD have made a different choice at any point and changed things, but of course they wouldn't, because of who they are
we're starting to see the shape of how much and in what ways Bouche fucked his ENTIRE family up
what happened this episode was so NEEDLESS
and it really makes sure you FEEL how needless it was, and what a waste
a very, very slow fatal collision, set in motion years ago, that could have been averted had there been even an ounce more love to go around in the Stomach household
(because of course, the twins wouldn't have had that bitterness festering if they hadn't seen Shoma getting the love from his mother that they weren't getting from their father)
(and if they didn't have that hurt so fresh in their hearts, they might not have rejected him when he reached out)
it's agonizing. it's the best. I love it. I hate it.
it's unfair that there's even other things I want to talk about in this episode. there was so much that was so good but that climax really kind of takes up all the air in the room
the way Hanto and Shoma act now that they know each other's identities! Shoma doesn't even -san him!!
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Sachika being so fucking ready to throw down for Shoma that she grabs a fucking bedazzled baseball bat and helmet!!
crab guy recognizing Hanto from the last fight and freaking out!!
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Hanto coming so so close to the deeper truth about Shoma, and Shoma telling him such a careful and deliberate little lie!!
fuck, I even forgot Suga being confirmed in cahoots with Nyelv!!
so fucking much this episode
and yet all of it feels so small next to That