also apparently in the game, you're already taking picture of artifacts and such, so it's like... you're already doing this thing. the cats are just a fun bonus.
but the kind of guys who whine about cat pictures being woke are bad at logic
it's a stupid side activity????
maybe jd vance made them woke lmao
Cant have FUN in video games or its pandering to the GIRLS and SJWs!!!!! Video games are supposed to be gritty and dark and difficult!!!!!
See, cats remind them of cat ladies, which remind them women exist, and this is clearly Woke
I mean, the tried and true test to see if a dude is going to be an abusive fuckhead: is he Weird (TM) about cats
yeah maybe they're assuming "childless cat lady" made cats a, uh, cat whistle? but then I'm trying to use logic here which on fragile masculinity gamer bros is a waste
These people make me want to nap
see, cat's are female coded! obviously! dogs would be less woke but still toeing the line!!
....isn't the cat thing just a fun reference to Indiana Bones, the Museum Cat that got super famous a few years ago?
who knows. cats are also just likeable animals that would realistically lounge in place for a million years for easy snapshots, so it could be anything
you know, if you're not a fucker
I swear a read a thing that referenced Indiana Bones - who is a real live cat, that was a stray that was adopted by the Museum of Osteology and has enjoyed internet fame since 2018 and has a whole Indiana Jones theme.
personally I read this like, wasn't there a cat in the old adventure game that was important for some reason and. yeah.
like idk man did y'all get mad about an indiana jones game forcing you to inspect cats to progress the plot or
i suspect the link is to "casual" gamer so attaching it to the MANLINESS of Indiana Jones broke their one remaining brain cell
since cat photography is the sort of thing you do in cozier games
(these are the folks who want Indiana Jones games where you whip the lady at the end and get "you stud" in addition to your normal congratulations message)
Everything I don't Like Is Woke.jpg
yeah i think it's the difficulty thing
unless you're angry at the video game you're not actually having fun
is taking photos of artifacts difficult tho??
no but technically that is his job so i guess they can't justify being mad at that
but he hasn't ever cared about cats so they can be mad about that
oh no, I'm sorry, it wasn't "you stud" it was "big man"
he's trying to play Big Logic Man now and be like "who said cats are WOKE" and it's like
guy, no one else was talking about ~woke~, we were all talking about taking pictures of cats in a video game
so if you start screaming about the woke brigade when everyone else is talking about cats, yes, people are going to point out you're saying cats are woke
why would you have fun in a video game, that's such a girl thing
look i genuinely have seen people who seem to believe that
at that point, just start ramming your forehead into a door if that's what you believe
I wondered why someone would insist on being able to whip someone in the credits, and that screen is illuminating.
it is, technically, replicating the ending of the actual Temple of Doom... which WASN'T A GOOD SCENE EITHER
So basically, these manchildren are desperately clinging to a past that is no longer happening, and they'll throw any snarl word that fits "not like thing I knew"
the best part is that is widely considered one of the WORST Indiana Jones games
i think the difficulty thing is also nostalgia tbh
because a lot of games used to be hard in a frustrating way, and people did not in fact have any fun playing them
Bro let your manly-man protag like cats.
but now people want that frustration because it probably reminds them of simpler times when they were kids, playing video games in their rooms
...and the people who don't have nostalgia are just following the crowd lest they be labeled as woke
at this point, if you don't like whimsy and fun then... why are y'all still playing games?
maybe i'm wrong of course, i just made this theory up
but it makes way more sense than people actually enjoying difficult games, at least to me
it does kind of align with how men aren't allowed to have any colors except like black and grey anymore
i do not enjoy difficult games lmao.
Also, this is a mainstream game with a IP everyone knows. the casuals are gonna be here, they are important to this game's survival.
i 100% completed ff7 twice for probably adhd reasons or something and i will say i much prefer when things are easy (thank you fire emblem phoenix mode)
now i appreciate challenge modes when you want something a bit more difficult, but that should still leave room for whimsy
chocoballs: i think it's nostalgia and also making "good at difficult game" a load bearing pillar of your personality
true, i forgot about the second part of that
after playing ten minutes of infinity nikki, whimsy no longer feels like a word to me...
so when anyone can come in and enjoy the game, regardless of skill level they freak out because they're no longer unique
way too many people take that too far /looks at the ongoing debacle that is FFXIV race to world first
why tf are you gatekeeping a game that is marketed to EVERYBODY.
gestures at the villains in Incredibles and Megamind
they're not men. They're 13-year-old boys that never grew out of their chuuni phase
/looks in Twitter thread where people are having a meltdown about taking pictures of cats
/sees them also complaining about "man chin"
probably... still. tourists or men that are still 13 year olds (derogatory) at heart.
no, I think these are 13 year old boys who have never been within 30 feet of a girl
like, I'm sorry you've never kissed a girl, but I think it's obvious why that is
how dare she not look photoshopped...
I'm on my knees, begging them to realize that not every female character isn't made for titillation.
let the bitches have fucking chins. but apparently foaming at the mouth woman AND trans hatred won't let you.
sorry weird chauvanist gamer person but as a seasoned Indy fan here the fact that Indy is getting with AT LEAST ONE LADY AND HAS ENTIRE CLASSROOMS OF OTHER LADIES trying to get at him means he likes pussy.
therefore it is far from woke.
bitches like men that like cats.
(both the animal and the thing most women have)
..........i mean we joke but i think that was actually an experiment that got run at one point?
oh i see, it's the butt-chin she has
like if a guy mentions he has a cat, women actually do find him more attractive, or something
it's subtle but it's there
and this type of person has decided that's a male only thing and an especially manly one, see Gaston and other hyper manly cartoon men
but that doesn't mean women can't have chin dimples
the "fun" thing is, she's pretty conventionally attractive, save for maybe the short hair, but these dudes have such limited tastes in women and then just assume that reality matches that
yeah this is just 'real woman have facial hair' all over again
it's the equivalent to only eating McDonald's burgers and then pitching a fit when a place serves salmon instead
Oh my god some men can be so stupidly
...bruh, I have a butt-chin. We exist. These asshoels need to touch grass
clearly that just means you're a man, sorry you had to find out this way
I heard they were mad at the IJ game because a developer said they were trying to make the female character a good character and not just an accessory or something else no sane person would find objectionable
none of these assholes get rl maidens for a reason.
of course something like that set them off, delicate snowflakes that they are