If that's real, is it bizarre that a huge corporation didn't already have someone primed to step in in case of emergency, or is this one of those "we're gonna promote one of our guys anyway but legally have to post the job" things?
I don't think it's real but I'm mused
oh that is not real. that pay scale is way too low
also that's a great sweater
ow also same
last night I was chatting about geckos with Peter (Dad's best local friend, in whom we created a monster when we asked him to adopt Nick's old gecko, now he's obsessed and we spend a chunk of every visit talking about geckos), and he said one of his coworkers just made the same mistake my parents did
namely, letting their 15 year old kid adopt a leopard gecko. without realizing they live like 15 or 20 years, so they're gonna be stuck with it while he goes to college.
Nick couldn't even take his gecko back post-college, because he moved down south and there's a no reptiles clause in his lease.
which is why Peter wound up with a gecko. now he has another gecko. and is talking about how he has a spare tank so he might wind up with a 3rd.
I didn’t realize they live that long!
Nick's gecko is delighted, I'm sure. Peter set her up in a bigger bioactive tank, gives her more varied food, she is thriving.
we had a parrot in the family named Stanley that my cousin Sandy had when she was like 12. She is now 78. Stanley lived for sixty years and laid an egg
So Stanley was a Stanleah!
I refused to take Nick's gecko because she's a leopard gecko, which are purely bug-eaters. And I have a crested gecko, which can live on lizard smoothie mix when I'm not up to wrestling with my bug phobia
(similar lifespans, cresties also have a life expectancy of 15-ish years)
<- Stanley
Yeah bugs would be tough for me
I took my phobias into account when choosing a reptile species!
I have the tiniest fridge in my room and keep powdered gecko food in it, just add water for fully balanced diet of fruit, calcium, protein, etc.
honestly wish feeding me were that easy
when I move Kawit into her big tank, there will be some bugs in there, springtails and isopods, but I've decided I can cope with teeny springtails and colorful orange isopods living in it. they help maintain the soil. and if Kawit wants to snack on isopods, good for her, have fun, baby.
i still have a cockatiel that my mom got when i was 9. i am now 34
Frankie and Dee have decided that they want a variety but they also can't handle too MUCH variety without stomach issues so it's always a fun trial
OMG deviled egg moon cycle
Ow ow ow ow that friendliness one >.<
Granddad! I miss visiting the old guy. Aside from the eyes being a bit cloudy you wouldn't know he was a day over 85
Would definitely play that horror game
(and boop all the kitties' lil noses)
For anyone who absolutely needed to know, google translate says the horror baby is saying "There are a lot of them and they are cheap!"
here I thought the horror was going to be the rotting preserved meet and the weevils in the flour XD
and having to butcher the officers' livestock they'd brought on board for themselves
perfect thing for a horror baby to say
I wonder why refrigerating boiled potatoes overnight in new water makes them crispier than not soaking them
because the starch in the potatoes releases during boiling and it is the enemy of crunch
but why soak them again after draining the starchy water?
when I worked at a restaurant that made its own french fries, it's actually like. Incredibly complicated to get a crispy fry that doesn't burn
would that work for grated potatoes too?
we had to peel them, cut them directly into cold water, parboil them in that water, transfer them directly to new cold water, leave them overnight, dry them out, par fry them, transfer them to sheet pans and flash freeze, THEN they could be held for the final fry
I have never tried it but it should!
and yeah, that's how my mom used to make french fries waaay back before she switched to frozen everything XD
the french even complicate potatoes
she also used sugar water for... either the parboil or the overnight soak, b/c that supposedly helped
it was vinegar water for the parboil for us
that's so many steps for fries
any tips for sweet potato fries? they don't have the same potato starch but never seem to get crisp