thank u dandadan and ranma 1/2
honestly arcane too. ekko u can't fix jinx but it's admirable u try
also when they're made by queer folk
I was just thinking about 'wow i'm watching two shows where i'm really into the het* i wonder what the difference is' and that'swhy
*i say two shows but can ranma 1/2 really be considered het. what is that. it's is its own category
the secret is that all ships are only truly good when the characters are completely batshit, but people will let the gays be more batshit by default because queer culture understands the truth
me in apothecary diaries fandom where the het ship has toxic yaoi dynamics and they both look like girls: [nods fiercely]
idc so much about the genders, as long as the chemistry is good (unhinged) i will ship it
rivalcharacter: THAT TOO but for me personally i like seeing a lot more softer queer ships that make me go awww while if it was het i'm like zzzz
that is true tho the more unhinged the better
it's true. I personally am usually too bored by them to really get into them, but I do at least have more appreciation for them and their happiness
I swear to god the past like 5 fandoms I've gotten into I end up being a het ship main bc media is finally catering to me and letting male and characters exist near each other and have interactions that are founded on things other than "I am attracted to you" and/or "you are annoying/incomprehensible to me because you are the opposite sex"
I was gonna say that's why utena and anthy has stuck with me but hey safe that was a whole series of crazy bugfuck unhinged toxicity,
not a single hinge in the rgu cast
Utena and Anthy were very much batshit on at least three levels
look i momentarily forgot based on bias,
in my extremely biased onion all ships are only good when SOMEONE in them is batshit
alternatively very stupid so stupid my god its so stupid
i could not name a single ship I'm into where someone isn't either insane or extensor stupid
thats the jam i love. see frieren/ himmel
stupidity can be a form of batshitdom
i was gonna say 'i'm not sure that's true. i feel like there's a canon lately where i've shipped the hets and the--'
yeah stupidity is just a flavor of batshit and viceversa

oh right. lol
celifairy: that is on the spectrum of unhinged yea. FRIEREN IS JUST BATSHIT IN A LOWKEY WAY
gawd i'm tryin to think of other canon het ships that fit this
but all mochijuns are batshit
Norea tried to kill 5lan with a pencil and frankly she was the reasonable one in the ship
also from my collection: shiki/mikiya, rock/revy, kirito/asuna is also pretty unhinged on several levels
type-moon hets in general
I'd die for lukahyuna alnst
but yeah i rly think you should consider battler/beatrice as one of the greatest
I started a lets play and then [life] but just based on sprites yea they fit
in general all umineko het ships are also like this bc all ryukishi women are peak and insane
if the hets aren't boring
it's also about the romance being based on literally anything other than he was a boy and she was a girl
bc if i see that for gays i will also sleep
just have girls be fully realized characters with motivations like in all our yaoiz and also stuff revolving around insane women
romance for romance's sake is zzz
don't insult zenless zone zero-- (no i just have to joke about the name)
oh wait bulma and vegeta. nods
Yeah. What Floor said. The more well-adjusted het deals more with "he was a boy, she was a duck" Fakir/Ahiru or "she was a girl and he was a super powered alien" Clark Kent/Lois Lane
holding hands being lewd but also they're fucking insane enough that they don't bat an eye at someone ripping someone's throat out or something real casual like
if the het must be well adjusted at least let it be queer (ducks. aliens. et cetera.)
gaisce: HE WAS A BOY SHE WAS A DUCK lskadfjsf
points at Childe and Lumine. "that's not a canon ship" it is in my heart
he was a boy she was an ageless being, they met weekly so she could beat the shit out of him,
he was a boy she was a duck, correct
i AM now running these ships through my head in sk8r boi tune
i finally scrolled up enough to see celty and shinra
gaisce: any good lois lane is also batshit lbr
my ideal is still 'boy and girl main character aren't a ship and are just besties for life' but creators are cowards
pacific rim is, at least, here for us
she was a girl. he was a boy. he was also the founder of her fan club.
i'll allow rights for pacific rim
pacific rim sitting there at the end like "wait whoa they simply never smooched or anything huh. NICE."
huh, I also could have sworn I have straight ships where one party is not an absolute dumbass- but teenagers are dumbasses by default and so are nonhumans I feel
high school is now a mental illness
that just fits what zarcanist was saying tbh
punchpolygons: this is true but usually she is batshit about everything else and Clark tends to calm her down, which is also why I love them. Small reporter ready to FITE everyone and her god-power SO is politely waiting to tag in.
actually going to add Nozaki-kun's creator's other creation: Oresama Teacher. There's a trio of fucking morons and I love all of them (and the canon ship is SO STUPID)
one braincell shared between them
maybe this is why i fucked with wonderwoman/batman and not catwoman/batman
the latter is hot but the former was such a disaster in JLU
depends on the flavor of Batman
husbando: pulls this shit up in a tab immediately
also you say that but one word: pig
that clearly wasn't a turnoff for him. they're perfect--
looks at any ship ive had end up straight for whatever reason
looks at how they act, Yeah
stahlritter as a warning, there's a couple chapters that do that early-2000s thing of "the MC has a crush on her male teacher" but that is gone pretty quickly
superman and wonder woman SHOULD be besties for life and the people at dc who disagree are wrong
her one true love is the idiot next to her in class
mulder and scully: definition of Refined Woman Of Taste And Her Gremlin Spook Wanter
warning appreciated! forges on
i'm glad we all agree that romance for romance sake is boring
make that shit a train wreck
+1 floor, i don't care about gender so long as the dynamic/chemistry is simply Good
at least let them terrorize each other for fun like all the good relationships i know irl
no one roasts you harder than someone that cares about you
i judge people who see two girls standing on the screen with almost no interaction and decide they're better than the boring het ship (in all earnest) as much as people who enjoy the boring het ship
but i understand desperation
I do understand the thirst tho but plz you can be fed so much better
also to sell Oresama Teacher: the main lead has to crossdress for Reasons (mainly that, as a former delinquent who got expelled from one school already, she will get expelled if she gets in even one more fight, so she crossdresses to hide her identity and not get expelled) and her love interest is like "I must fight that guy"
it's his DREAM to fight this girl's disguise
get u a man who will fight u
I'm not into that new yakuza anime where both leads are insane and toxic but i'm happy for the mainstream newbies discovering this is what they're into
this plurk is full of wisdom
btw ash i know ur not into the art style for dr stone but they do legit do “main guy and main girl are besties who do not get together ever”
shounen artists get better challenge
oh that's like.
parody levels. oof.
the sameface energy is not good it’s true JFKFKGKG
I'm very forgiving of styles. I like a lot of western stuff. but dr stone's women are too much for me wheeze
wow Yoshino isn't toxic she's just very insane and I support her
ftr the "they have to be batshit or stupid" really explains why i was so into that wallflower reverse harem manga when i was younger
they were ALL stupid and ALL insane

bc like all the promotional material is shit like this. the covers are like this. the chapter covers. etc

but then like 2/3rds of each volume is like
(this is a comedy manga.)
jeezus i just got flashbacks to flipping thru this at borders when younger
it's not a good manga from the couple of volumes i had. i remember that much. but it was pretty funny at the time
bangs gavel i'll allow it
glad nozaki kun was mentioned, may I also suggest wotakoi
man I wonder if the dr stone manga is just worse than the anime LMAO
so tired of people going feral over gay ships just bc they're gay
if the dynamics aren't interesting idgaf
i am sitting here like “was it THAT bad i don’t remember it being more than vaguely cringe—“
no more gender just energy
I was initially interested in Dr stone because it let women be unattractive in reactions but it's a shame I lost interest because of the art ultimately
me clutching my chest let momo and okarun hold hands
The exception to the insane rule, is that het can be good when they're not the main characters. ONE of them can be a main but not both of them
...gosh Heero and Relena...
honestly the het in G Gundam was also wild but anything involving Domon would have to be
this is why I thought of them.
yessss relena appreciation. gw is a good series for some batshit crazy tbh
I love her so much. gwing women are everything to me
I love the comment on that video that said "GWing is what happens when you give theatre kids war machines"
oh I remembered a series I have to contribute for unhinged hets
the girl: the abused unfavorite of a powerful family that’s fallen on hard times
the guy: the leader of a clan that’s rejected every marriage proposal that’s come to his door
it’s a political marriage but they become so disgustingly in love it’s extremely charming
also incredibly satisfying: the dude showing up to waifu’s family home to give them all an earful about their assholery
there’s also a kidnapping and a whole shenanigans involving spirits of the undead and being trapped in a dreamscape
another unhinged het is Yakuza fiancee
i don't think it's a great romance. like it's not my preferred hets. but it is very cute
dude tells his fiancee he doesn't care about her and to sell her body to contribute so she goes and sells a kidney and throws the money in his face. he then falls in love with her
like i haven't watched cuz its not for me but just that alone. a++
I don't watch it but I heard kaguya-sama will they won't they het is good because they're just full maximum dumbass playing romantic chicken.
tbh grand romance is boring to me lmao i like cozy domesticity
Yakuza Fiance is so good. so so good.
kaguya-sama is hilarious and the mindgames are unhinged, it's true

get yourself a girl who hits a guy in the face with a bike
did somebody mention eleanor of aquitane/henry ii of england from the lion in winter yet. excellent batshit hets and also some batshit gays. great family movie for a certain definition of "great family movie".
I read a lot of trashy het romance (fucking genuinely for the plot) and an upsetting amount of hookups relies entirely on the characters being horny for each other from the word go. The interesting ones are the batshit ones basically always.