I can't tell you how hard I physically cringed seeing this "Elijah Wood twirl gif" but that's precisely why I had to post it. He's looking very Walter here
Go there to find Norton's VA looking just as dorky
them dancing at the wedding
May I say Walter is such a dork?
But omg, them dancing....I can see it.
ahhh im so glad jedao finally clicked over into his other professional voice sgsdgss
I'm here trying to determine how much OOC energy I have to make Walter do Christmas things but I had the epiphany today
Christmas is also Grandma feelings...
magicom herding you back in here. but it will be very exciting to see what punishment Justine gets for the stabbing or for this mass drugging
was there a new stabbing in addition to the drugging or are you still talking about walter's stabbing
that comment was a few days ago, yeah it was Walter's stabbing
okay good good glad I'm not missing anything
I'm being gentle with myself... I have my inbox down to one full page right now
I've covered a lot of ground today. Silver thread is my one thing it would be great to have done earlier... Soon...
He's pretty much free to go in the infirmary thread but he can't get out of Malcolm insisting he did that for him at risk to himself.
cannibalherpes let it be known I am enjoying our absolutely insane backtag thread and I am still planning to send him to Mead
Walter getting in the mead 😆
Be ahahaha I love it too. Trevor is feral
I'm being so goddamn gentle with myself that I'm literally planning an open post for. January.
But I think it'll be a post that makes people smile
Malcolm and Misty talking about the wedding and having Walter there... Walter does want to be there but oh my god the Romcom pain of it all
Malcolm like this is why communicating is important and stuffing it all down inside is for losers.
Ok so sometimes I don't immediately go and look up past threads for realism particularly in this case because it was an overheard audio thread 1.5 months ago
But this time was pretty funny because it did unlock another layer of ambiguous communication. Fortunately I have a very effective window into what Walter was reacting to at the time cause I was liveblog to Alex for the purpose of barge skeptical schemes
I will present my findings soon
Actually I mean I put it off for a couple hours for realism still but also that my findings are interesting enough to share
Also Malcolm a few hours after Will was heinously assaulted gives the fewest fucks about manners of any Malcolm.
He just gets blunter and blunter XD
Yelena appreciates your dedication to actually reading the network, Walter.
I'm spinning a lot of plates right now and also concluded that from past experience Walter would figured Yelena would just feel smothered for him to come in like next day and also Malcolm is a logical priority
But he is
Really starting to care more about her...
So I might message you about that in the future if that is cool
link 1 - Cap'n kidnapped us and rescuing us from the beach doesn't count
link 2 - violently shaking loose hold
link 3link 4These are short (in the relevant part) and pretty similar
Nothing contradicts what Malcolm is saying Will believes, and also Malcolm is privy to Will’s real opinions and not what he might performatively say to the Admiral to get information or things he wants.
So the summary he was given just did not ring a single bell in his library of Will Beliefs.
Yeah Walter did almost say "so what was with the admiral stuff?! was that lies?!"
And of COURSE he likes Yelena. It is very easy to feel kinship with someome who unabashedly encourages you to hate the things that annoy you with them.
Cause like with Malcolm claiming otherwise now, performative conversation immediately comes to mind as a plausible explanation but Gasp!!! Malcolm Bright telling a lie!!!
So in that moment in the
current thread, what Walter actually said first was "he [Will] didn't care". And this actually wasn't "he didn't care about the people on the Narrenschiff", what really made Walter "Matilda telekinesis" level angry was the repeated references to Cap'n taking away choices
When meanwhile Walter and his movie club buddies have had many bad experiences on the barge and are seriously considering to let go and die
Malcolm lied? He didn’t ask the Admiral to do anything but fill his meds and take out his magic implant.
Sometimes people feel kinship with fellow abuse victims.
He didn’t get into politics XD
"Malcolm lied?!" is Walter's thought in that moment trying to remember what happened
Walter feels kinship with Yelena as a relatively normie snarky woman also!!
But like with the whole "maybe they want to be on a ship that works" Walter is just here like... The barge is self evidently not a ship that works. It had the trial for sinners (silent Hill) for crying out loud. Where the Narrenschiff seems to have less of that, both floods and pseudo floods
And like he and Malcolm have already been having some talks about this... Of like well they're all just on the NS waiting to die, etc. Maybe encountering more floods is the cost of progress
And it's also like there are a lot of wardens talking about "oh we can just selectively weaken the hold to disable the ship without completely destroying it"
There are a lot of times that the anti piñata position (that we're shaking loose people who will disappear entirely or even simply would rather stay on the Narrenschiff than on the barge §) was coming up
§ so far there are no "against their will inmates" NS characters but admiral specifically said he might do it
Malcolm mostly resents the position some inmates take that if a bunch of wardens that have standing said something, then all wardens must feel that way. Most of those people can’t stand Malcolm. He’s not with them. But he’s happy to discuss what he does think.
So even though Walter was literally with Will and Malcolm throughout their "protecting the infirmary" he was experiencing this within the context of "oh we're protecting the infirmary! It's off limits! We [overall group ] attacking the ship but it's not direct life support so it's okay'
As being something people were saying
He feels very tarred by the warden brush sometimes.
this being the main example (both the individual thread and him having a lot of thoughts about the other threads in the post)
They wanted to do something to help the people that helped them.
And that was the crew of the NS infirmary.
Walter made sure not to say "wardens" this time at least, yay him. Because there were plenty of inmates also on the side of wailing on the Narrenschiff to accomplish goals
BUT it is understandable for Walter to have feelings about Wardens bc he does hang out with some very AWAB people like Yelena and Pyotr so.
i thought that was Assigned Warden At Birth and got very confused for a moment
Keep dreaming about the cause and effect there, Malcolm
They get a free pass. i guess. Inmates gonna inmate or something.
Yes effect: they hate all wardens on principle bc cause: literally all wardens have wronged them, apparently...
They may as well, honestly.
It’s more fun and fhe outcome is the same.
Then they should solve their dang riddles
Whys it okay to lump all inmates together but not all wardens?
Literally all wardens are upholding an abusive system.
Would be a more accurate way of phrasing the cause of their antipathy.
That is how Pyotr sees it, and he does have one (1) warden he likes
Very well. You’re free to go. That means you can leave now, right? A warden said you can go.
Thats obviously not what they think
Or mayyyybe they don’t control the system at all but most do their best to help the people stuck there get through it and get out.
They know that, but the only way they "help them get out" is by graduating, which is what the Admiral wants anyway
Yes. The Admiral controls this place so.
Which brings us back to upholding the system......
Should they all leave? Like. How do you be there and help people but not uphold?
The wardens at his behest guard the engine room
There are wardens who can raise the dead
And like engineering a second flotilla situation is kinda plausible.
The Admiral already raises the dead.
like just take the bus to the inmates' universe and raise the dead inmate
There's literally exactly one warden who's done anything to try to actually buck the system.
If you love the idea of being a zombie, propose it to a necromancer and ask the Admiral to send you home to death.
The Admiral refuses to send anyone home.
At this point, Walter has gotten detailed from his main concerns of "with all the magical powers and possibly taking over barge tools, is there any alternative way" onto the separate concern of "the admirals morals are actively bad so I would have to become a second different type of evil person to graduate"
Maybe they didn’t ask him right.
Which he might eventually be desperate enough to do but damn
"We've tried exactly nothing and are all out of ideas" is not a sympathetic position for the people who are willingly there, on purpose, to be paid in miracles to take.
Admiral was extremely explicit about not sending people home during the NS event
Or maybe there’s a third option; let’s talk about it.
quantumvelvet: their ideas are help these people get through this
Which seems more constructive than blow up the boat we all live on.
So, "give the Admiral exactly what he wants", which is, again, upholding the abusive system.
Why would they talk about it to people who constantly say there are such great things about this place like wishes coming true and being in relationships for the first time
"let's talk about it" was generally not the lesson to take away from the Narrenschiff
It was "literally the only option to leave a boat is to get to the core and get shaken loose"
Walter thinks a cult is actually a kinder thing to believe than "they're socially experimenting on us for years just to get wishes'
Malcolm spent the whole time on the Narrenschiff talking to Narrenschiff people.
Let’s talk about it was his whole trip.
But if not being miserable about everything means not being able to talk about the parts you don’t agree with, cool, cool. Enjoy making yourselves feel obliged to be miserable about everything to stay in the cool crowd.
Ah, yes, sneering contempt for people's grievances: totally the way to get them to trust and talk to you.
I've been through one actually trauamatic thing and was miserable about everything for about eight years. In hindsight, I had PTSD but also a bad attitude and immaturity. still, idk. anyway, people on the barge go through like an actually traumatic thing every three months or so. lol.
Like yes by Walter's estimation there should have been like ten demotions
way worse traumatic things than what i went through!
So he literally is keeping it bottled up inside to function through the day
Can't demote the wardens, or maybe next time they'll hesitate before choosing incredible violence.
Another factor in all this is like Walter specifically stuffed all the feelings into the box "don't unleash Matilda telekinesis rage at Will"
That is the one thing that will let it out, otherwise everything will be fine!!!
Honestly this has left Walter with more questions than answers
How do THEY get up and go through the day (their perspective ) surrounded by the OTHER PEOPLE who indirectly killed dozens of people
They were already doing that, the mask's just off now.
Walter has no idea how he was supposed to know this. He has an idea how Malcolm thinks he was supposed to know this (Malcolm once said why the fuck can't you trust me? Why do you think I'd do something crazy with warden powers like give you a nose that grows when you lie?)
Plurk's practicing for New Year's Eve.
man I finally managed to read this and put it here
Walter having a lot of thoughts like
Uh yeah
Maybe we should plan ahead
Just a thought
Malcolm knows how Walter could have known this plus their thoughts on myriad other things: Ask him instead of going on the network and being like
So this has gone all over the place, but with reference to Will way back at the beginning, a) He is very touched by Walter not wanting to shove emotions at him. it's literally more care than anyone in his home world gave him.
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
and b) I love that Walter took away that Will does not care, bc they both are playing 4D chess and don't talk to each other. Will brings up having choices bc he very much disagrees with the Admiral bringing in people without asking. he knows other people have tried to convince him unsuccessfully to change his mind. but he does ask sometimes and that's
how Will was brought in. so he points it out every time it comes up, hoping that more evidence will pile up, with which he can go to the admiral and push him on.
But he hasn't talked to anyone other than Malcolm about it, so ofc people think he doesn't care at all.
Hooray that you found this. I'm sorry we're thinking bad things about your boy
But also like Walter and Malcolm before the ship conflict were having a very long detailed conversation with stuff like "If they don’t hit floods or breaches as often as we do, maybe they’re not traveling as far or as fast as the Barge"
He really did honestly lay out that bad things consistently happen constantly. Floods, breaches, rampages and pseudo floods that happen through loopholes, the barge is a bad place and the fact that it brings people back to life just makes it like a hospital that tortures people in the basement
Walter was also terrified of eventually dying on the beach like during the flotilla event, though I'm not finding this in his one big thread with Malcolm so that may not have specifically come up
It didn't and Malcolm was off his meds so wouldn't have noticed on his own but HE DOES CARE WHETHER YOU DIE ON A BEACH WALTER.
Conclusion: Walter pls just talk to them more.
Also listen. Amy loves it when Will's 4D chess is a factor in people misperceiving him
Also i love all of this whole gigantic messy thing.
/gathers the mess to me like a table full of poker chips
yeah! Maybe Will should stop trying to play like he did against Hannibal, bc Hannibal isn't here c'mon Will. you're just messing up yourself.
(he will never completely stop, he loves that shit)
Honestly I think it would be fair to perceive Walter as, rather than considerate of Will's condition, being a dishonest and evasive little bitch
But he did sincerely think in that moment he was saying it in the thread at least OH NO I'M GOING TO EXPLODE HIM WITH MY MIND!
Man. I'm truly sitting here like I can't believe I'm gonna have to rewrite the wacky trippy NBC unmitigated rage in Walter's mind. I was READY
Truth is stranger than fiction I love everyone in this bar
Sadly I think I gotta make the executive decision to pause the thread for today to give John Silver his vision BUT IT'S RELEVANT TO PEOPLE'S INTERESTS
Here for everything you are doing tbh
I'm gonna explode him with my mind. Buddy. He lives with Malcolm "No Emotion Too Big" Bright.
OH Also Malcolm kind of thinks that Walter's "care" for Will's emotions thing is less about care for Will and more about not wanting to be seen by Will's Magic Perception Powers. Like, he would LIKE it if it were care about Will but.
He has some Concerns about Walter yet.
I mean, the fact that he's even thinking about it that way is
still better than anyone was where he's actually from, so.... the little
oh no is still appreciated!!
Yes but Malcolm is not specifically thinking "you're a remorseless murderer who is watching us like beached fish"
all the early middle aged white men in TLV put aside their differences when this comes on
Okay I found
this post so I feel a lot less crazy for my previous assumptions now
the one where Will says "none of that was good"? 😇
"I don't think too many people here are happy with how any of that went" is very different because yes many people were explicitly saying that it's a net ethical good to "shake loose" passengers where they would probably just be lost forever but have some chance of going on a """"better"""" ship
so like in this context of the original topic of friendly fire Walter is hearing "there was a little too much direct killing and friendly fire :/" instead of "it was fundamentally a violent and wrong choice to weaken the hold"
they are both constantly saying positive things about the barge both publicly and privately so Walter really did not think they were making an exception this one time
the caveats are there but not the This Should Not Be A Thing
Malcolm: stop seeing everything in the worst possible light
Walter: [in his head] ok. the pro-barge people are deluding themselves into thinking they were acting in self-defense and giving NSers a chance to live, rather than seriously risking killing everyone
Malcolm finding this out: [EXASPERATED PIRATE]
No, that’s a better framing. He approves.
But that's what he thought Malcolm thought!!
Walter is going to need somewhere between a long time and never to get over "Walter, you can't just brutally murder someone for the small chance of 'saving' someone else who wasn't even going to die!" then the Narrenschiff getting shaken IMMEDIATELY
but wardens are good people walter!
Because I am
Finally writing some of my thoughts
Which are
The one way in which I would say Pyotr genuinely actively reinforces Walter's anti barge sentiments (and even this doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong)
Really is seeing the whole thing as a system
Specifically like a house on fire
And because they're here together "wow, the house is on fire. I feel your pain that the house is on fire. Look around us. The house is obviously on fire"
see, its just like capitalism
It intensifies his emotional reactions to the many people who act like the house is not on fire
And sort them more into "house is on fire" "house is not on fire"
"the house is only on fire a little bit in certain areas!" "The house is only on fire a few days a month!" "You can just come to me and get everything you need to protect yourself from the fire!" "Plenty of people get out of the house fine and are actually happier than before!"
Yeah, the wardens kind of collectively lost the right to say "violence bad" there.
And bizarrely enough... John and Arthur's memories have actually made this worse
Walter did feel really bad inflicting cosmic suffering on another human being and also another cosmic being. That was not good. And they also could have been friends. That is actually really sad
In the context of everything else that has happened and that he has chosen to dwell on
He also feels them genuinely not care and see the barge as a happy and safe place before this happened
Maybe at some point he'll have some kind of breakthrough and understand how they actually feel
But considering the stabbing by Justine seemingly being told by John and considering he's asked several people at this point "what did Arthur do to Misty" and the answers were either "wtf you are crazy" or "well. Arthur is kind of an asshole" instead of an actual exculpatory explanation. Walter is truly over here like Well Clearly Even Johns Love For Misty
That I Fuckin Felt. Magically. Is Hypocritical And Condescending
At least all these atrocities he is witnessing such as Justine's bonanza are helping him feel actual morals.
It's fairly plausible that if he maintained momentum with this and also really opens up to someone around January-February, he could go home, but we'll see. The timing on plots has yet to be seen
Anyway it will also be very interesting if Malcolm has certain answers to "so who DID want to bust up that ship because it didn't break itself"
Malcolm is not disputing some Wardens were involved but he disputes they are any kind of cohesive group and many of them not only weren't involved but also disapproved.
This is the really big communication disconnect because like
Did literally all wardens actively participate rather than be neutral or oppose? No
But like yes they, or at least the active ones, and overlapping with the inmates getting involved, are at least to some extent a group because it all trades back to the initial command by the big guy
Also, having private inside thoughts of disapproval isn't really a "get out of complicity free" card.
So "oh wardens aren't a group" is one of those things that makes Walter shut down like "OK, NEVER MIND, HE IS CAPTURED"
Particularly in this instance which is kinda the single most "group" of the major events during Walter's time
It is the one time that the admiral asked everyone to do something as a group. So it seems more than reasonable to evaluate members of the group similar to the way you'd evaluate a group like a police force, army, etc
so the Wardens that actively disobeyed the order to wreck the NS's shit are still complicit, but the inmates that actively disobeyed the order to wreck the NS's shit are separate from the inmates that did wreck it and are, in fact, freedom fighters.
some Wardens were protecting parts of the NS for as long as they could.
but they're still complicit in the destruction bc they're Wardens.
is how the argument goes?
Where is this freedom fighter stuff coming from lol.
oh sorry revolutionary? um. coup plotter?
or is it just movie club and we don't talk about movie club? 🤔
No one said any of those things.
they got out of complicity not for free
They aren't the ones moralizing about violence bad, Barge good.
Do I need to make a diagram
Cause like first of all, believing that the battle on the Narrenschiff was unjustified destruction is kinda separate from whether or not you are complicit in it
And you know. Yeah. Walter is just some guy whose actions during that time could be rounded down to "nothing". He is not a hero
Some Wardens definitely think it was unjustified destruction.
But also like, the people destroying stuff were also explicitly saying "oh well let's have a consensus that life support and infirmary are off limits!" So Will and Malcolm's actions are in the context of THAT. Walter was never explicitly told that they perceived their actions AS direct disobedience and disagreement with the admiral
They decided on it without input from anyone who thought they were creating "consensus" and probably before that happened. Like, as soon as the Admiral rolled up and was like go nuts lads they were like we protect this place bc this is not cool. BUT it's fair for people not to know that bc they only had that conversation with
And instead, he was getting all these messages like "the Cap'n is the bad kidnapper and the Admiral is the good kidnapper", amplified significantly by his preexisting bias and the existence of many other people saying similar things
But yeah, the admiral was like this and they looked at each other and were like NAH.
So they didn't say "Let's do civil disobedience against the Admiral" but they WERE like "this advice does not sit well with us let's do something else."
Which was disobeying the Admiral. But they did also want to get back to the Barge bc frankly there was no place for the living on the Narrenschiff. But they didn't want to wreck it to get off it.
And yeah, there was no way for Walter to know that, but I think what Malcolm would point out is that Walter has gotten himself in trouble by reading public network posts and making assumptions about what people think and feel (looking at Misty, Arthur and the pie) and maybe he should... ask people what they think and feel.
Instead of
Malcolm like maybe he didn't learn the right lesson from the whole pie debacle.
We need to take his red string away XD
And Malcolm has seemingly dismissed every time Walter thought there was a major problem with the Admiral's ideas. Like "it's nice there were fewer floods and breaches here" "oh well maybe that's because with ports we go faster". "Why doesn't he actually nerf new inmates" "that sucks but you can be empowered to defend yourself"
"he actively rewards cathartic soap opera violence with graduation" "wtf are you talking about"
Like he knows Malcolm will say "I didn't LITERALLY say the admiral is perfect!!!"
So considering their last major conversation before the fighting started was "well there is no downside to being on the barge. This suffering energy is something you can't even feel, you get to live. We are helping people AND getting our wish, it is so wonderful"
he really thought it was safe to conclude "takes a 'paycheck' from the big guy, complicit with the big guy"
actually what he would say is "This is where we are and this is what we have to work with. so you can hate it every day or do your best with it. those are our choices."
"the admiral doesn't have anything to tell me about right and wrong after that" (right after they got back) was his attempt to state something on the record and move on
well that's an exaggeration of what he was saying with the wonderfulness added in but there's life after the Barge and no life after Narrenschiff. you can hate him for preferring the one where people can be helped but he'll stand by it as the better option.
("noise cancelling headphones" is his muffled screaming about THAT is apparently what his immortal soul needs to be traded in for)
The Admiral doesn't tell them much ever tbh
(so like yes. Yes he genuinely thought his feelings were supposed to be hidden)
Malcolm is getting him noise canceling headphones for Xmas for a laugh :😜
Side note:
* Obviously we've established that Will and by extension Malcolm are a major point of concern despite his very funny way of showing it
* He is very worried about Yelena, like bothering to mention Stuff
* He currently doesn't know Jesus was a victim, but we've been hoping for a while to have them talk again so maybe after this is great timing
`* Stuff that happened suggested it was quite disturbing to get
These are the Justine victims on his radar
I'm drowning a bit in casual things so I don't know when I'm going to start those new threads and give them justice but I'm determined
Don't worry, Walter, that was just Yelena making damn sure the fact that it was even worse than giving people an amnesia drug to study their reactions to Suddenly Zero Memory was out there. She's fine.
Learning what Walter thought/thinks about Will might actually get him to open up some more, so good on that!
Yes lol IT WAS MY PLAN FOR THEM TO SEE EACH OTHER JANUARY AT THE LATEST so this will help roll that along in some way
I've been turtling along so I haven't even... Actually decided how Walter is gonna come over in the current thread yet... Drags hands down face
One thing that's interesting is like it is unhealthy for Walter to project and extrapolate so much but at the same time he is in this situation where speculation about the true nature of one's soul IS highly encouraged
About one's own soul, Walter!
How else is he supposed to speculate when be SIX MONTHS of being a model citizen isn't good enough
A model citizen is what we call running a group actively working against the whole model of graduation and secretly plotting to poison and pie someone onboard. Okay. That's a new definition of "model" but we can work with it.....
From Walter's point of view that is not what either of those things were at first though. He was trying really hard to convince Misty any other way and to, as Pyotr put it, "make the ship better and safer" by working within the system most notably by getting Trevor in the monitor position
Plan A: model citizen
Six months later: time for plan B
Trevor didn't have to be your only hope, guys!! ;.;
How's Plan B working out for you, bud?
Trevor being opposed to the plan was not the only thing robbing them of hope
The vast majority of big and small events over that time made it clear that this is a lawless society where there is just no actual reward for Plan A
Which, to Walter, jedao has basically admitted
Jedao is just one guy but a well established influential warden and then there are other wardens like John Doe who don't believe in justice on an ontological level (which is NOT something Walter has heard but meanwhile there are OTHER reasons he thinks crazy things about John)
Malcolm believes in justice
Which is why Walter is so hopeful Malcolm will wake up one day and realize the barge is bad
He didn't say the Barge is GOOD. He said the Barge is better for him than where he came from.
But Walter wouldn't really find it reasonable to say Malcolm has expressed the barge ISN'T good. Maybe like two thirds good one third bad
For him. He tried to be clear that it was subjectively more good than bad for him because where he was was worse.
Though I can see that part being easy to skip over in the throes of he doesn’t get it.
"Malcolm thinks the barge is the best option for himself" and "Malcolm thinks the barge is more good than bad" are technically separate things that Walter has separate concerns about
Since Malcolm has said things like he doesn't even understand being in such abject fear of the wardens that it would be germane to consider killing them at any given time
that particular thing Neal said was pretty crazy lol. But there have been so many times Walter has presented some direct framing like maybe the barge should be parked then there wouldn't be floods and breaches, and when has Malcolm ever been like "yeah, that should actually change"
He doesn't think the Barge should park.
He agrees that some things aren't the best. But he doesn't think solutions are as easy as "park the Barge".
Will believes there should be justice, but there isn't in a lot of worlds. Hence him and Malcolm's plans for frequent road trips to find and fix things in such places. >_>
There's no freaking justice in the world he came from, just the will of Hannibal Lecter.
YEAH they’re gonna be the justice they wanna see in the universe.
Parking the Barge isnt that simple but they can take a road trip and fix other universes as they go? Okay...
They're not going to fix other universes. Just make things a little more just for those that get stomped on. like if the Doctor was a werewolf!
but Will doesn't expect people to understand where they're coming from on this, so they're not sharing the specifics with most, anyway. >_>
Malcolm mostly says they’re going to travel and visit their friends.
A good idea since Pyotr would laugh at either of the 21st century westerners thinking they're going to do anything to make 19th century Russia "more just"
Pyotr. Pls. They’re going to visit their friends.
Whatever, just stay out of his universe
Walter is just kinda like. Working with some baseline assumptions of how life should work
1. Murderers get arrested for several years
2. Walking down the hallway minding your own business with no grudges you shouldn't get shanked
3. no terrible environmental effects that would deliberately give you a mental breakdown
And it seems like Malcolm is like yeah! And then like No...
What he thinks life should work like and what he is willing to tolerate from the Barge, which is not life, are different things bud
No. It's a dimension between life and death.
Ashton opines they've lived very different lives based on those baseline assumptions of how life should work
and then goes 'wait, no, I've just been stuck with vampires too long, in theory those are all pretty reasonable'
Walter is willing to be flexible on these things to some extent honestly. It's more like he's baffled at Malcolm, who literally works with the police/FBI, being flexible
Walter missed the period of time when Malcolm was new here.
And then over time he got brainwashed (no)
Then over time he came to understand the nature of the place.
Walter thinks it is reasonable to acknowledge that there are at least some differences between this place and "real life", such as taking into account that people come back when they are killed. But the more fundamental the alleged difference is, the greater burden of justification it has
And something as general and fundamental as "this is the only way" is just inherently more likely to be a cult doctrine rather than literally true
I think it's more "we don't really control the way but it's what we have to work with"
you are dead so barge gets to torture you but also barge has to torture you or else you'll die!!!