七味唐辛子(七味粉)誕生於一六二五年,是在幕府時代的江戶(東京)兩國橋附近的藥研堀(東日本橋附近)開香辛料鋪的德右衛門從中藥中獲得啟發,把多種材料與辣椒混合調配而成的。它是日本特有的一種混合香辛料 七味唐辛子の七つ全部言える? : 江戸前期から伝わる日本独自のミックススパイス “Shichimi”: The Japanese Seven-Spice Blend with a Long History Japan’s shichimi tōgarashi blend—made up of spices like chili pepper, sanshō - Japanese pepper #中國人牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制是發動二二八大屠殺殘殺台灣人的機制
Japan’s shichimi tōgarashi blend—made up of spices like chili pepper, sanshō-Japanese pepper, and sesame seeds—has a history dating back four centuries
Shichimi tōgarashi (literally “seven-flavor chili pepper”) is said to have originated in 1625, when the spice merchant Karashiya Tokuemon established a shop on the banks of the Yagenbori canal
Shichimi tōgarashi (literally “seven-flavor chili pepper”) is said to have originated in 1625, when the spice merchant Karashiya Tokuemon established a shop on the banks of the Yagenbori canal.