but then hit the first car they run into once they're past all that and have plenty of open space lmao
i am unstoppable on the bike
i love weaving in and out of traffic on it
and now i guess i'm back on the cyberpunk brainrot
just as soon as i figure out how to get mods installed again
redmod doesn't want to work for some reason i keep getting this error
google tells me i need to update redmod but like...i installed it and it should be the newest version now?
so i guess i'll just do it manually
weirdly it looks like my old CC mods are still working
so i guess somehow the old save file keeps those things in place even if you've done a clean install
oh oh i see i need redscript updated
now to find some more fun CC lol
i have installed all the mods (i think)
well not all, i have a few that i'm not sure which ones i want to use so i gotta go back to the mod page and look
omg all the apartment mods
i am disappointed by the lack of elf ears that look like they're modified human ears and not like long ass elf ears
there is ONE but its only for male v
its the teeth that are causing the crash
cuz the tongue works and the bitesized mod works
been running around killing gang members (and one cyberpsycho) because i wanna see how much i can lvl before doing the job
i wanna get my monowire asap
back to seeing if i can do everything in the part of the city i'm in before i do the big job
if i don't do the job jackie can't die
also i'm watching lily play she has forgotten she has her own car and keeps stealing cars, she finished the arasaka float job (to get into the building and get the info) only to go back in and start shooting up the place because lootgoblin
i have been running around killing gang members, doing side gigs and have dealt with two cyberphychos and i've made roughly 45k from it lol
gonna go ahead and pay vic to see how that scene differs from paying him after the main job
nope scene is exactly the same
oh wow lily hasn't done any hacking terminals until now
she's gotta be 20 hours into the game
oh no i think i saved over my streetkid v...
somehow i'm still not out of side gigs to do and it's been like 7 hours
the side gigs keep coming and i have over 200k eurodollars lol