just from start to finish
i told them that they're like every Zero Tolerance teacher I've known in my life
"someone got upset, so MORE people will get upset therefore the artist should remove the art" is such an insane take
"I have no problem with this art but if it upsets people the artist has a responsibility to remove it" what even
also the like... argument that younger people on the internet don't have the ability to block/disengage/emotional maturity to handle things so that's on the artist
literally my friends' 2-year-old has more emotional maturity than this
you tell her no and she cries for 20 seconds and then moves on with her life.
damn you're right, rando. the right wing thinks queer people and PoCs appearing in anything is gross and upsetting so we should censor all diverse things for them! it's the kind and morally responsible thing to do! if ANYTHING might upset ANYONE it's on you!
Posted on Tumblr:
Art, famously a field that hates upsetting people
this person sounds like an idiot
the problem is that harrassing others has become validated as something socially acceptable to do just in general
I do think kids and adults just need their own separate fandom spaces
It’s time to bring back kid spaces online
What the fuck is wrong with people
My ART SCHOOL as in a university with a rep put in big letters on one of their school info books "If it upsets you it's art"
"take responsibility" my foot, the artist did nothing to you, or anyone else
they contradict themselves too. "they should take it down" but also people shouldn't curate their own space because they need to get used to seeing things in the world???
so what they mean is: small queer creators should delete anything I think isn't perfect while big corps do whatever and you learn to cope THAT way
you don't actually want smoke with the organizations that have power over what you see, but you can run off your own just to satisfy your kink.
Man I miss the days where people just said "I don't like that."
I can't believe I miss old school fandom wars where they called people losers for liking a thing. None of the "this is problematic" and "censor yourself" just "ew loser".
i hate seeing this is problematic and it ends up being a vanilla couple
"There's a four year age gap!"
And it's a fic about the characters starting to date when they're in their twenties.
"It's a hypersexualized beastiality pairing!"
And it's Roger and Jessica Rabbit.
"This has unfair power dynamics!"
And they work in the same office as coworkers or two teachers falling in love
not only are these people just preachy, cannot do proper media literacy for shit and sanctimonious as fuck... they are weenies on top of that.
listen... when I first started using the internet, not only was a lot of LITERAL PORN fully unwarned for, but I didn't even know what some of the warnings meant so I would click on them unknowingly.
Did I like what I saw? NOPE, I was a puriteen-before-puriteens-existed.
I also.... just hit the 'back' button and silently learned from my mistake.
yeah, thinking about it... it never occurred to child me to contact the people who had made the porn that squicked me out in any way. why would I want to further engage with it? you go "OH NO" and smash the back button and maybe you complain later to your friends about the gross scary porn you saw
no one was actively sending the porn to me, so it never occurred to me that anyone else needed to take responsibility for me seeing it
the one who found it was me
Yeah NEVER!!! I literally just felt embarrassed and grossed out, the last thing I wanted to do was draw ANY attention to myself or interact with the artist in any way!
The worst thing of all: they some Karen's.
like the worst kinds too. those that go into a place they clearly don't fuckin' like or wanna be at, don't have the sense to gtfo and they don't leave until they make it everyone else's problem.
Just read an article about how a manga got banned from schools in a North Carolina district because a parent didn't like the amount of violence and scary themes. The book is labeled as being for 3rd - 6th graders. The parent's kid is in 1st grade. They got what amounts to a PG book banned when the adults should have pointed the 1st grader towards something G
If these kind of people we're discussing are parents, I bet they're like that NC one.