Yesterday, Sylvia campaign went good!
latest #13
The party stopped for a rest on their way to Lethe, a watch happened where the characters interacted, and then I used a DM twist during one of the watches; a fog rolled down from the trees which filled their senses and minds
and they were forced to speak in rhyme for an hour-- it was great
(or else take psychic damage)
I got someone with a few points of psychic damage
Also there was a Lizard Lieutenant and LOTS of lizard bandits and I drew blood, it was exciting!
I love my friends but I also love to hit their characters
combat went an hour over but they did clear the lizards and next session they find out what was in the cart that they came up on the lizards pillaging
Combat is a struggle for me and there were a few bits of dicey but I prevailed
one of my favorite parts
Aura: sending a send to Magius Be sure to eat breakfast, and sleep and take breaks..
Magius: Does Trystan count as breakfast?
Aura: NO!
Magius is my PC in the Candela game but I play a version of him in Sylvia. He is the Headmaster of the Magic Academy, and Aura is his secretary (whom he sent off). He has a friends with benefits, 'they are saying that but they are really boyfriends and neither have acknowledged it yet' sort of relationship with the Knight Captain, Trystan.
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