🍉 MOE!
3 months ago
smg7 arc idea where like. one arc ago 7 and smgr met and 7 became super attached to r and then she died by mysterious circumstancces (i haven't decided yet) and he learns that he was just using r as another momoka If That Makes Sense, so he has to completely move on from both r and momoka and learn to actually live without them
掰噗~ wonders
3 months ago
是嗎? (p-stare)
🍉 MOE!
3 months ago
it's kinda like a pearl steven universe type shit where 7 catches himself describing r in his mind as just momoka 2.0 versionn emo and his attraction to r is only because she reminds him of momoka in just enough ways to make him go mentally ill
🍉 MOE!
3 months ago
baipu: homophobe.