留言: *The mother ending up in the hospital is probably the best/happiest ending we could hope for *why?…. I think it’s the brother. *did you not see her lurking/spying in the background multiple times? and how she screamed at the children when she thought the cameras arent there. the mother was definitely not what she seemed! 定格畫面超毛...
最近影后很紅,這篇題到並講到拉拉鍊: 幾年前,電影《LA LA Land》讓無數女性在影院裡動容落淚,被喻為年度「愛情」電影。這個評價讓我很是驚訝,因為對我而言《LA LA Land》是一部現實主義作品,討論的是「戀人們為何可以共苦卻無法同甘」這個尖銳的問題。Facebook我看完拉拉鏈也不感動 但確實也看過有伴侶者見到另一半加薪反而不高興還在我們面前生氣(然後有人說對吧你會生氣吧,那人也有另一半,兩人還互相附和),我當時很問號欸,不是應該高興嘛,這甚麼心態,我想的對方的成功會是成為你更努力的支柱不是嘛,看來我想的太簡單了