pondering trying to make my dino design in vroid
latest #43
except the tail and horns will prob need to be done in blender or something
maybe the coat too
wonder if i could like make the base then find someone to do the other stuff
hmm the ears too can't be done in vroid because they're not just like default elf ears
https://images.plurk.com/17s5kOMM9qUxJ6ev4wyaKw.png https://images.plurk.com/6kwllsxETEsoH2Hlc9lK4B.png i guess it wasn't so much pondering
might change the top to part of the bodysuit so i can have the coat idk
the coat isn't going to come out how i want with just vroid alone tho
still a lot i want to tweak with the hair because its just not there
there is a really cute premade hair option that i might go with instead of the ponytail
https://images.plurk.com/157OBPETmmBVDI5vvBrwcW.png cuz like v cute
https://images.plurk.com/5zNMLNWDX1tI8T3ixVhFFM.png not sure if i'll keep the coat because of the way the color ends up looking
tho i have figured out how to use the bodysuit for a bit of thigh squish
ugh they still haven't made it easy to do multiple color textures
or to copy and paste something to a different section
in this case i made some horns and they look really damn good but i can't just like drag them to the hair addon or something
i tried exporting it and then importing it to a diff section but nooo
ah i just need to change the name
that doesn't work...
i don't wanna remake the horns but i need them to be a diff color from everything else
i finally get the front of the hair sorted out but OH THE FUCKING HORNS USE THE SAME TEXTURE AS SOME OF THE OTHER HAIR
https://images.plurk.com/65vAI19iq6f3xHxRs2bCZs.png finally figured it out
i gotta redo the longbits
and the back of head
can't really do the flippy bits like in the artwork but it's fine
i got everything else close enough
dunno how i'm gonna do the stripes given the way the hair textures work
what happened to the animation studio/ability to edit hair bones?
it just seems to be gone from the new version
Reptile Tail Rigged - Tuber Vault - BOOTHhmm wonder if this will work, it's not a perfect match but its close
oh i see they moved the hair bones in with the hair
i want to cry
i just found out there's a plugin that lets you texture things in an art program and see it update in real time in vroid studio but it ONLY works on earlier versions
and i can't use this model in the older version
i guess i could just do the textures on a new model and import them
okay so it doesn't show what you're doing in real time but it does auto update the image when you save it so that saves some times
also found the animations
https://images.plurk.com/24N6lkBGFEqpF33PREsOEF.png finally done with this
tho the bow is really jank and i'll prob redo it
now i just have to texture everything
so much texture work to do today
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