3 months ago
I've been looking for shows with like Supernatural mysteries and stuff I could use as inspiration for my Chronicles of Darkness game. Currently watching the Dresden Files.
latest #15
3 months ago
cant reccomend Garo enough
3 months ago
Garo is equal parts Underworld, Devil May Cry, and Bloodborne
3 months ago
Oooo. I like this. Where is it streaming?
3 months ago
officially you can watch it on cruchyroll I believe
Dragons Dragons
3 months ago
I've heard good things about Mysterious Disappearances, but haven't seen it myself.
Dragons Dragons
3 months ago
Undead Girl Murder Farce (light novels and manga available digitally from Kodansha; anime on Crunchyroll under the title Undead Murder Farce) was really good too.
3 months ago
I'm taking notes. Thank you both.
I'm binging The Magicians right now and it's full of world-ending life-destroying magical rule-breaking bullshit that might be helpful inspiration, it's not like detective mysteries but it does do a lot of "here is this complicated problem and 5 twists along the way, use your creativity to solve it"
it also has great fucking one-liners
3 months ago
Ooo That's true. I should try to get back into that one.
the first season starts a bit slow but when it revs up it's a beautiful mess
I really appreciate shows where the history matters, like they bring back guest stars all the time because things fit together rather than it being monster/problem of the week
which is why I also love Dark Matter but I hesitate to recommend it because it was cancelled on a huge cliffhanger :<
3 months ago
Oh dear. Sad when that happens
3 months ago
Though that reminds me of a show I wanted to watch called Dark. Apparently it is super good.
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