As of 2019, Women from the following groups have full-time median yearly earnings that exceed those of White Male Americans #中國人牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制是發動二二八大屠殺殘殺台灣人民的邪惡機制
Highlights of women's earnings in 2022 In 2022, women who were full-time wage and salary workers had median usual weekly earnings that were 83 percent of those of male full-time wage and salary workers. In 1979, the first year for which comparable earnings data are available, women’s earnings were 62 percent of men’s earnings.
Most of the growth in women’s earnings relative to men’s occurred in the 1980s (when the women’s-to-men’s earnings ratio went from 64 percent to 70 percent) and from 1990 to 2003 (when the ratio went from 72 percent to 79 percent). Since 2004, the women’s-to-men’s earnings ratio has remained in the 80 to 83 percent range
The gender pay gap -- the difference between the earnings of men and women – has barely closed in the United States in the past two decades. In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap