both the office and i are so used to seeing me showing up with gammal wherever i go that neither of us realized we forgot my own annual
we share a first name so we're even labelled as #1 and #2
but this also means i feel like i cannot get anything done because The Appt this afternoon
but then! i'll already be out of the house so i should also! do a bunch of stuff i haven't been able to get done like return this stinky library book they keep auto-renewing for me
my sleep has been reversed for so long now that it feels illegal for me to be as awake as i am at this hour
i've gotten used to snatching an REM here, a little more there throughout the day since gammal is an angel and easy to occupy when she's not napping herself, and then she sleeps mostly through the night
but the night is when my brain is like hey! she's asleep time to do our things!
like brain i'm sorry i can't change the lightbulb in the kitchen in the middle of the night, it's too damn dark for me to not brain myself with that bigass glass cover
i can't run the vacuum and wake her up!
anyway i'm going to try to embrace this shift in waking hours and try not to sleep til gammal's bedtime
anyway i'm gonna try to remember to take this opportunity to ask if i can be referred to an endocrinologist, and get blood testing done to see where i'm at there, and put out feelers for mounjaro
in the meantime i guess i get to embrace paralysis from being able to do anything before The Appt
home finally, got to listen to gammal cuss at the cold weather and snow so much, lol
we were in the office long enough she forgot about it, but i've got a referral to the endocrinologist, the chiropractor, tested in at a 6 so still pre-diabetic (they snuck that in on me, i thought it'd be an after fasting test), updated what meds i stopped on my own
doc and i agreed to stop the metformin (yay no more fucked up dreams from it?) because we're gonna see how i do on trulicity without it
one less pill to take is A+ in my book
i wanted to do mounjaro but doc said i wouldn't get insurance to cover it as only pre-diabetic or at all, idr which, but at least i get to go on something
and if i react well to it, there's a good chance mom will too
my only real complaint about the appt today was they put me in a room that had just been sprayed down with lysol for the air or some shit so my eyes were watering constantly
"is it that bad?"
"i can taste it. it's like a teenage boy that just discovered axe body spray"
"oh no!"
only i couldn't make the room turn back around and "wash at least half of it off if you want that girl to go anywhere near you" like i did my brother
oh i'm sleepy idk if i can make it to 9pm
i think i'll just do my ow dailies and hit tags tomorrow